Android users interested?

ive had this app called MacDroid for awhile… ive used it to for several minor things to automate tasks on my phone… it recently dawned on me that it could have the ability to automate capping…

with a trigger such as long press of the volume up or shaking the phone it could set a series of actions to begin…

like black screen initiated followed by camera app to start followed by record initiated etc etc…

the end result being that with minimal movement i could start recording (or pics taken) with my screen off without being detected… lets face it it can be quite obvious when we see a bad bodied chick and we all of a sudden pull our phones out and jab at it then try to be inconspicuous holding it… whereas we could just pull our phones out (if we dont have it in our hand already) and without even looking at it set it to record or snap caps…

ive been working on the set up of such string of triggers and actions in MacDroid… there are a couple already set up but they dont do exactly what i would like…

im curious if anyone else would like this option?? i also want to make it to where it would automate the last video being deleted if we get into some shit by a simple trigger such as long pressing the volune down button…

the options one could add are plentiful…

so would anyone else be interested in something like this??

what else would you like it to do??

im uploading screen shots of one already created that dont do what i would like but close… thoughts??


Can u tell how to set up this ?

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nice app

These are some of the apps I currently use, which I highly recommend. Highest of the shelf you can get. If you browse more. There are apps that let you, as soon as you finish recording, start uploading to a private cloud server all whilst hiding the video file. No way you can get caught. All the links you see have full easy instructions of how far you can push your device. They also have it available for iOS as well. I only use a few, but there are quite a few pretty intense apps. All of this, is free as well.

You can find it at “fhmy DOT net”