Lmk if u guys like this one. It was definitely risky but worth it. Added a few more webms
@GenericCaps How do you upload the videos so that they remain on the same page?
Definitely it was worth it but make sure becareful while doing it
fucking nice did you just do this today?
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@horizont1 If u convert a video to webm it plays on the web browser. Must be 10 mB or less to be able to upload tho. Uploaded a few new ones too btw
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@thomas101 nah it was a while ago. Uploaded a few new ones btw
Great angles!
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Thanks for risking it bro!! Thic AF
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Nice cap🥵
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Ballsy getting that close, idk how tf yall manage that shit
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Great catch, thanks
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Cute girl. Nice Squat shots…
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@CovertShoota my heart was beating like crazy getting it lol. Only reason why i went for it was cause the store is big and basically empty
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On my face