Got into candids this summer. How is it during the winter time?
Will we be seeing a decrease in quality candids?
Got into candids this summer. How is it during the winter time?
Will we be seeing a decrease in quality candids?
Time for us southern hemisphere lads to pick up the slack!
Frick no it’s gonna be legging heaven,at least in cali
As long as women keep wearing tight jeans👍
I would guess no. The community here is large enough now that most shooters probably have a backlog of stuff to process and many people live in warmer climates.
My advice is to use winter as a time to take a break. It’s a good time to get away from stress and paranoia.
Nice ass there
It only changes if you like legs and feet. Otherwise it’s the same just with leggings etc
Legging time my nigga
Here in Brazil it will be summer
Right now is the winter, that’s why I am not seeing short shorts for example
It does change a little. Girls use longer jackets, or sweaters covering their ass lol. It is still good but not as good as summer
Nope up here in the north it’s time for uggs long white socks and tights. The ass will be there yall need to get out and go catch em all like ash Ketchum
SOmetHinG i reAlizEd jUst noW…alot of the girls are wrapping their sweaters or stuff around their waist to cover them culos.
Wym.winter is yoga pants/bicycle short season where im at