Candid over p0rn?

After exploring this site and all the amazing post, I have found myself watching less p0rn. I have always been into leggings, pro’s, tight dresses, etc. Having the ability to see these caps/vids and be able to actually “study” and admire the subjects and outfits is super satisfying, especially if someone actually wants to discuss what they enjoy about the cap. I go to p0rn once in a while, but I can’t tell you how many times I have seen a subject in public and thought “damn, how do I make this image last”, thanks to this forum, now I know. Shout out to all the great cappers that stay posting some amazing content and giving advice.
Got a bit off track, but anyone else make this adjustment from p0rn to candid?


Interesting question. I find the candids to be more appealing than pron because the women are more real and just living their lives in an authentic way. In other words, it’s more real and not fake/ staged like pron is.


Tbh I just like to see women I’m attracted to in any form of media

I guess candids can feel a bit more ‘personal’ though and there’s something appealing about the ‘authentic’ nature of them - I’ve always found women sexier in everyday wear, say a t-shirt and jean shorts than lingerie or an expensive dress.

But yeah I’ve got a crap visual memory so saving women I see in public to the mental wank bank doesn’t work

Also seem to have a curse where I only see women I’m extremely attracted to in situations where it’s not only tough but basically impossible to cap them or even look at them for long


Yes, well said! While I believe most these beautiful women in public know they are being admired, it’s some much for stimulating to me than a “staged vid”.


It’s not just the authenticity. But candids display the beauty of women way more than porn. Porn simply uses women as a vessel for a man’s sexual gratification. I can easily make the argument that porn objectifies women way more than candids. Consent isn’t even the issue; as pornstars consent to being objectified. Point is, it’s still objectification.

Granted I would appreciate if candids put a bit less emphasis on the ass. Don’t get me wrong, it’s easily the best part, but focusing on the entire package, especially face and her overall figure, would do wonders in actually making candids less objectifying as we don’t value her for her ass, but for everything about her.


On many porn sites, I’m always on the lookout for voyeur/candid material. That content is miles ahead for me vs the pro material. And the amateur porn vids are easily a close.


Honestly I been so more into candid that yes I prefer it over porn in a strange way lol


I like both. It depends on the mood I’m in. I mostly watch amateur stuff cause it was the best but onlyfans ruined that :(


I agree, I have always been more of an amateur watcher myself. Why do you say OF ruined it? Interesting.

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Totally agree, well said. It is such a different sense when the entire of the subject is capped. :peach: is and will always be great to me, but when study the entire bod, especially the face, it’s great. The caps with a backstory are that much better, whether it’s F&F or just the cappers adventure!


I agree with this post 100% i actually hardly even go to the hub anymore just on here …check out the posts and im good. Seeing them out in the real world where we really live not the fake world of p0rn. Honestly I really don’t even rub one out to the post just enjoy the beauty of these females that get capped. Shout out to the boys that capp these girls I’ve been working on capping some that I see every week at a gym I got to so I’ll be posting soon but anyways I think this forum is great and better then P0rn and OF


For sure! The booty compliments her other features, and vice versa. An ass by itself can only do so much for me. In fact, without a face, it’s “meh” lol. I need to see the owner of said booty.

And consent (in this case lack thereof) isn’t why I enjoy candids. It’s a part of it. But there’s a huge reason why I’m also heavily into checking out girls doing gym leggings/shorts, lingerie and bikini try on hauls on YouTube, for the same reasons I like candids. The whole package is shown. Her beauty is on display. Not just the booty.

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I say it ruined it because people started making money off it. Many amateur users from xvideos and pornhub were making free great quality vids like crazy. After that everyone started taking out lame content that you have to pay for. No thanks


I find they both serve their own purposes, so I don’t put one over the other.

Candids are like a derivative of softcore pr0n, albeit more modest in nature. You can appreciate it more because it fosters a community of people like us and there’s a degree of separation because you’re not getting everything at once. There’s a sense of curiosity and ambiguity that, like somebody mentioned here, is well within the sphere of stuff like Try On Hauls videos, Yoga videos, ASMR, Breastfeeding metas, etc. It’s the appetizer, in other words. Albeit Candids being the most modest (by comparison).

Pr0n is like junk food. Incredibly potent, by design. It’s graphic in nature, but you know what you’re getting. You move quickly to the point and you go on about your day once you’re done. For most people addicted to the latter, you’ll typically use the former as foreplay and work yourself towards watching full blown pr0n to finish off.


Very well said, couldn’t agree more!! :pray:t2:

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Candids turn me on more. I got a crazy ass obsession with females and to have a nice realistic ass capture with VPL/VTL always gets me going…


Porn is trash for dudes that never get to play with some Pus!


I use candid as a warm up before pron

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I prefer candids to capture a woman’s beauty in her entirety, and never understood the obsession with close ups of asses… at a certain point it’s literally just two domes under fabric, how much variety can there really be… but I’ve always had a thing for nice legs and smiles and curves and other parts of women’s bodies,

I would wager that the majority of guys just want to bust a nut and some probably get off on the notion of the subject not consenting, so I don’t think we can drive a very strong argument that candids are inherently more wholesome than regular pornography

If it’s more like still life photography of women you find beautiful I guess it is… but all the hyperfocus on asses and see thru tops and up sk!rts and stuff is just another form of perversion

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I went from twitter candids to uflash etc to this and i dont think ill ever go back to :corn:

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