Caught at tj for the first time

I wasn’t doing anything crazy but I wanted to get a low angle on this fat ass, so I kept going back waiting for a chance and just filming from my side and phone which I guess going back and forth was my mistake, I assume she’s been capped before as well cus she kept taking glances at me from the start, but anyways she looked at me and asked if I was filming and I said no and pulled out my texts and she said “let me see your phone then” and I was like nah I’m just waiting for a friend and showed my texts screen for a second and she was just like “okay then get away from me” which I then left the store immediately.

My biggest worry and why I’m on here is just to ask for any advice or what I should do? What are the chances this turns into some major situation and I got cops knocking at my front door or something or they get a ban for me at that store etc


If she said “get away from me” then she was probably uninterested in pressing charges or anything. Doubt cops will just show up without ID-ing you or anything… just be careful and don’t hover over your targets like a hawk looking at a hare lmao


I doubt afterwards anything will happen though in the future there’s always the risk. Seems like you getting away after fizzled down the situation. I wouldn’t go to the store for a while just me personally.

I had a similar situation where I was following and she was looking at me a few times and caught my eyes etc I was a little nervous then. I should have known then, but she had an ass I just could not resist so I followed into an isle and pretended to look at the other side as I got closer. Then I turned around started capping it was going good and then out of nowhere instant turn and I was like fuckkkkkkk. She said are you doing what I think you’re doing this isn’t my first rodeo. I picked a random item off the shelf lmao looked at her said Idk what ur talking about i just want this sorry. Walked to the front checked out and never went back to the store for like 5-6 months.

I was really nervous and scared like you, but nothing ever happened. Funny enough that content is now one of my most favorites, and still one of the top asses i’ve caught to date. :slight_smile:

If you see them take any quick glance at you etc i’d just chill and leave it be from now on. Most likely they will catch on.

Stay safe and good luck. If you ever want to chat just DM me !


Well… you may not want to go there again unless is explicitly for the purpose in which you go there for.

Two, you may want to rethink your approach. That kind of behavior is easy to spot for a lot of workers because they’re use to it. You’re lucky she was nice about it because she could’ve easily caused a scene.

Cops knocking on your door is highly unlikely, but anything can happen. You’re just a weirdo of many weirdos, so unless you assaulted somebody, or you stole enough items to bring about a felony charge, I’m sure you’ll be fine. Live and learn.


You’ll be fine lol :laughing: just don’t go back to that store for a long time. They won’t post you anywhere because you can sue them for discrimination of character and they know it. With out actual proof atleast

Use a black screen app and occasionally & casually flash it to your cap target as a way to prove to them that your screen isn’t even on. It’s a small but important factor in not alarming the girls you’re trying to cap.


Bro lmao

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Unless you know the laws in every state/country, this is possibly the worst thing you can tell to somebody.

You can be trespassed, or possibly charged depending on the circumstance since we have no idea what OP was actually doing, nor how laws are defined around a individuals actions in regards to shooting in a place of business. Many businesses are private property, and therefore, not subject to the laws that may apply out in public. This is not to imply or insinuate the assumption of OP’s circumstance, only to point out the statement that “nothing is going to happen” when different countries, and moreover, their states/provinces/etc, have different laws in regards to different things, is incredibly misguided, at best.


I wasn’t doing anything crazy, literally just filming from my side a few times, just worried they might pull camera footage or something if she reported me

Ok sorry

But it’s gonna be quite obvious what you’re doing if you’re just hovering around like a fly on shit with your phone in your hand unnaturally pointed toward the subject. That’s why I would pretend to take a fake call - you get better angles and it’s a better excuse for pausing wherever you are for a while and recording them

Have you ever tried keeping your phone in your front or back pocket so the lenses are sticking out? Or hold onto your phone and something else at the same time? Just things I like to do to look less suspicious. I cap women at TJs all the time.


Well that’s why you don’t just hover around if they’re alarmed lol. That’s a rookie mistake.

I have a good feeling it’s the way you look lol

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Where you failed is going back. One thing you need to learn is patience. If your target is shopping and you’ve already been near her multiple times. You have to predict her next aisle. Now at the same time, she may be avoiding you by any means. That’s why once you see your target; get your caps and pray they’re good or risk getting questioned.

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Should be close to zero, as nobody has any evidence what you may have (had) on your phone.

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Here here

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Dont quote me but I believe all the stores (tj maxx, marshalls, HomeGoods) communicate with one another so you’re screwed. They will have your picture and more than likely trespass you from all stores

It really depends on how serious of an altercation you get yourself into, but cops do not care about this sort of thing provided you never physically touch, verbally harass or cap your target in a private area like their backyard. They are more concerned with actual crime. Even actual crimes like petty thievery they often do not care. It’s a waste of their time.

When it comes to capping in places like department stores, you run the risk of being confronted by security and if you’re asked to leave and do not you are technically trespassing, in which case cops can intervene. These department stores all have cameras too.

One of the first things I noticed when I started perusing this site was that the “meta” of capping is using your phone to cap girls in department stores like Wal-mart, which is something I’ve never done myself. Like I mentioned above, there are cameras everywhere and there are fewer avenues of escape as opposed to capping outside. Lighting can also be an issue when capping indoors, especially when capping a girl in black tights.

I don’t know how new you are to this activity, but in case you are, you should know to never ever cap at work.

For me, you have to be willing to let it go if you dont get the perfect cap. The cap will always be secondary to getting exposed