Does setting matter?

With all the creativity of different locations of caps, I am finding myself more turned on by the settings the cap is taken. For instance, I used to be heavy into the gym, fitness shows , and beach caps, but now veering more towards street and mall/store caps; especially a cap inside a Lulu, Ulta, or Sephora. I am sure a lot has to do with the outfits the subject tends to wear in those stores. While I cap, I consider myself more of a lurker and strong supporter of cappers, this question goes out to both:

Cappers, do you mostly prefer certain locations? Lurkers, can you relate to my “preferences” of location, or does it not matter?

*I do not pose this topic to knock any cappers or the locations, I still enjoy a good quality cap no matter where.

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Human psychology is that, no matter how amazing something is, you’re gonna yearn for change or something different, eventually.

That’s what it sounds like in your case. Spike in dopamine is relative to novelty and/or excitement. If you step back, you’ll realize it is either/or, or both. I don’t believe location necessarily matters, in most cases. If one of these boxes get ticked, you’ll be a happy camper. If both of these boxes get ticked, you’ll be a really happy camper.


Well said, always appreciate your opinion and input! I agree, as humans we’re always looking for change. The bit of thought I put into it is that a gym, fitness show, or beach, the subject is almost expecting to get the “attention”, whereas the other settings the expectations may not quite be there. Again, just my quick thought.

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In my case, I prefer open spaces. Of course, I have photos taken indoors, but I always prefer outdoors. Not to mention that my tastes have changed a bit in the last 7 years (type of women). Before, I preferred mature women, but nowadays I prefer women around 25 to 35 years old on average.

As for preference of places, I believe that the vast majority prefer women who are in the type of store you mentioned and wearing leggings.

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Always appreciate your input and knowledge as a very respected capper, in my opinion!! :pray:t2:

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Same, gym girls are just so prominent. We see it everywhere, on social media, when you go to the gym, etc. we’ve just been desensitized to it that it no longer turns us on. As opposed to more public caps like the mall, it’s not so common to see a really hot girl. Just overall, gym caps are so boring and predictable that they fail to stimulate a response.


I think the question you are asking depends on the hunter’s courage to move away from his adopted methods and location, otherwise we all want more.

If you have determined certain criteria and risk factors for yourself, your location selection will of course be similar.I always catch in open areas and I have my own parameters such as shooting time, location, prey, environment. If it does not meet the criteria, continue, there is no need for a new adventure.

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I personally enjoy caps at malls then target and wal marts. I got kicked out of wal mart for capping to much lol

I prefer in store captures. It just feels more lurky but i love em all!


Yup Gym/beach caps not that interesting 4 me.

I was wondering something about those stores you mention there, their not 100% focused on female mechandise?

Gym girls in general don’t do much for me anymore.

There’s just something so homogenous and boring about the dress code and the aesthetic that you get jaded with after a while. It all sort of just blends together.

I went to a festival on the weekend and saw so many women of different shapes and sizes and styles wearing some pretty outlandish outfits and they were so much sexier than any women I see at my gym despite being less conventionally attractive (although I prefer chubby women so I’m biased)

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I didn’t even think of a festivals. I use to go back in the day and the selection was certainly overwhelming, but can’t the same be said about festivals? You go there expecting women to be nearly naked, so is the thrill less? I suppose with all the variety, it never gets old. One event I never experienced was a Comic-Con. I’ve seen some post on here, but that’s it. I heard they can be decent.

Idk those kind of events like festivals, parades, carnivals, comic cons, they go there to show it all off too, i won’t click on a lot stuff like that either honestly


Same. Not that girls at raves aren’t hot, but if I wanted to see that I’d just go to a rave and possibly even cop a feel while dancing. Seeing a unicorn in the wild, on the other hand…


I mean the hottest is when there’s a sexy woman showing a lot of skin in a more everyday or formal setting but I still find those events hotter than the gym

But it could be because I’ve been at gyms a few times a week for over a decade and frankly I find them boring as fuck these days and I dont find women sweating in yoga pants to be a particularly sexy look

I also prefer chubbier women who are less likely to be found at a gym so I admit that I’m biased

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My go to are raves and malls (when they’re busy). Pretty self explanatory, if it has a shit ton of people that can you can blend into on some Ezio Auditore shit, it’s a green light for me.

I can cap anywhere, but I’d prefer to do my capping outdoors as there are plenty of exits and methods to remain incognito, unfortunately I live in a heavily car dependent area. That being the case, malls and department stores like TJ and Homegoods are quickly becoming my more favored spots.

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I kind of agree there’s EXTRA excitement in “forbidden areas” or unexpected areas…
Hospitals, churches, friend’s party, etc

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