!FAT WARNING! ⚠️ juicy ass in leggings

I’m not into fat girl’s but I know a lot of you are so here you go boys


damm amazing hot lady in spandex the vid pl


God damn! That ass is phat ass fuck indeed! Great caps bro

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I can appreciate a chunky bitch or two

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I knew you would like it :grin:. I see you always commenting on the big fat girls :heart:

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Thanks for the heads up. I made sure I opened this thread!

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:skull::fire::melting_face: shoot LMFAO

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Most definitely built to milk nuts cowgirl!


Amazing THICK MILF ass. She has a big ole rock on her finger. Someone having fun with that booty.


Why put a fat warning

Guys who post those really mid, skinny girls don’t put any warning


I got the idea from you

The Mods alter my titles sometimes


I loved the purple leggings, wow nice milf :purple_heart:

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So fucking juicy indeed :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
I would tear her leggings and eat her ass :heart_eyes::drooling_face:

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This is fat? I’ve seen some real meat monsters this is nothing

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I came here just to say thank you for the trigger warning :joy: You have a great idea, why don’t more ppl just use these?

:warning: TW: BIG :warning: or :warning: TW: BBW :warning:

:warning: TW: TWIG :warning:

That should resolve everyone’s problems around here.

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Right, this solves a lot of arguments. Maybe we should do that with ugly girls to. Thanks

That’s a bit more subjective, harder to describe. I think we should always assume they’re ugly until proven pretty :joy:

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Or guys can just post big asses and BBW

If want to see something flat I just look at my table

I’m not judging, ass is ass to me. You can like whatever you please. I just feel like all the drama on the board would stop if we had tags of some sort to give people a heads up of what KIND of girl we’re seeing and not just “OMG Most Perfect Ass in the World Ever! 10/10” And other clickbait shit.