Well done Bro… keep it up
Great job, excellent subject… get closer up in the ass!
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Should try to get closer but great caps
Great catch, !
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so proud of you! were you nervous?
Yes i was nervous im using a big ass samsung 24 ultra its so hard to be sneaky with that. What should get to be able to get closer?
Good first effort. I’d try to rotate a few of those pictures (not full 45° turn just a slight orientation adjustment), but yeah keep it up dood
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Also, you’ll hear this a lot, and it’s not always possible (except it is), but…
Face shots. Get the face shots.
Good caps man, just practice and practice and watch out
Great caps thanks
Great Caps! That Gap on her was phenomenal!! Keep up the good caps!!
Only tip i got is tonkeep doin what your doin. But more of it.
I’ve also read that you should always set your phone to airplane mode so that, like, potentially identifying data wont be saved with the videos and/or pics. Seems legit to me.
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Another tight PYT, nice cap dude. Sweet and petite, you can never go wrong.
Try to match the color of your cell phone and your clothes
Great work bron