Giving away VIP badges

To qualify for a VIP badge you must have a large number of high quality posts. If you believe you qualify for a VIP badge post in this thread, or nominate someone who has good content.


I want one :grin:


I think my posts are usually high quality… I also think @randomguy has really nice posts.


I nominate myself lol


Be like Oprah and give everyone a badge. :sunglasses:


1 VIP badge for me please. I’ve only been posting for less than 6 weeks and have nearly 2.0k hearts. Also one of my posts is in the top 10 of all time and it was uploaded a month ago. I really don’t like to brag (i do really) but the badge sounds like a lovely medal.

I also nominate:

@Creepazoid (love those face shots)

and also a special badge for @candid11 for being assistant of the year for holding a backup of all of my content.


I nominate @Creepazoid and myself.

I’ll nominate myself, for other nominations I recommend @Creepazoid @anon53913159 @anon47354022 @Ramirez.j18

I’ll vote myself, Malik, randomguy and i-Ite, since I like their posts the most. Considering myself, I’ll be posting very good content in the future when the summer ends, so be aware.

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Also Jamesdean


I believe I have one of the best captures in this website , go look at them and tell me I don’t deserve a VIP badge .

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That’s me! Shall I post the yellow yoga pants again for the badge lol

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sounds cool

I will throw mine out there:
@anon47354022, @Bleebang, @anon53913159, @ThatGoldFinderGuy, @randomguy

This may not be a complete list but check out the content!!


@randomguy for president

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Many users post great content but I don’t see why I can’t nominate myself…lol…great quality work here… :laughing:


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Thanks :relieved: