Giving out VIP badges

Think you have good content and deserve a VIP badge? Post in this thread to have your profile reviewed and you may receive a VIP badge (blue check mark).


Id like to be considered.

1 Like

I would like to consider as well

Ooh. I would like to be considered.

I would like to be considered.


If you guys think I’ve earned it yes please.

I’d like to be considered too if my content is good enough.

Well thank you sir in advance


Hi! I would love to be considered appreciate it!

I’d like to be considered. As I am a active, and a decent shooter.

Id like to be considered!!!

I’d liked to be considered

I would love to be considered!! :+1:

Haven’t posted much lately but got some stuff saved, and whatever I have posted has gotten attention.

Hi ! I hope you liked my content :wink:

I’d love one to

VIP would be cool

Yes as well

Check me… I have tons to post…all original content… this stuff is years old. its going to get better… way better!