Do you guys ever feel guilty? I cap a lot of girls I know in real life but I always end up feeling like a perv and guilty. However, I do love the rust and the pictures I get so I don’t want to stop. How do you guys handle this? Or do you not recognize it at all?
I use to feel some type of way but not anymore. I haven’t really capped people I know maybe that’s why I don’t feel the guilt. So far it’s just the thrill I get from a cap
Not the right way to talk about all the joy female bodies give us, IMO.
I agree, and I reject any comment of this type or post title that disqualifies women.
When I see such titles I don’t even open the post…
I used to alot but not really that much anymore i feel like my guilt was a reflection of my own inadequacy or lack of fullfillment in other parts of my life now im content and im not creeping out any/most of the women i cap nowadays usually its the opposite and i will conversate with them
The only guilt I get is not getting that perfect cap!
yea no. no guilt just paranoia if anything. If they somehow get wind of the post and remember that I was with them and I could’ve been the only one to get the shots then I’d be screwed. but guilt… never.
Go through their phone and youd see all the slutty things they do. We are all perverted and wired towards sex. I never feel guilty. You keep seeing both men and women as super innocent which typically isnt the case.
Are there known cases where this happened? Just asking, I experience the same paranoia and are tending to take my posts down
Nice to know you’re considerate and have a conscience.
Definitely no guilt unless you get in trouble from it. Let’s all remember, they look in the mirror when they dress like this. They know what they’re doing and crave the attention!
My ex wore sweats and a t shirt all the time around town, unless we dressed up to go out, then she got her sexy on and worked her hips with every step. All of the women I’ve been with love the attention! Even the conservative ones.