Has anybody ever got caught?

Looks like she defs didn’t mind at all


She’s so cute smiling! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:Would you have more photos of her? I wanted so much to see more of her

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i got busted so many times but as i foölow my main rule no1: „only record in public and outside“ never anything happened. if it gets too obvious i just pretend getting a phone call. women are way too shy for speaking up to you

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Some stares, 1 is debateble

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Goddamn she is so fucking pretty even with the mask on what a pretty ass bitchhh fuck

Yeah you’re right that’s probably the best method/technique just do something on your phone and act like your on a call or on YouTube or something and just get the shot. Everyone will think or suspect that your on your phone doing nothing…harmless.

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i personally only cap when the opportunity arises don’t follow a girl for example i was at a party i sat down on the couch facing everyone just scrolling on my phone then there a hot chick who was standing close to me and i capped a few pics , i say don’t force it

Well, well, well there are 2 different things one is to get noticed where subject notice you and know what you are doing but leave or do nothing, pass a smile, or just shy off, thats a soft busted, and second is get actually busted where the subject confronts you and make a seen.

So considering both i have been caught so many times soft busted means i even don’t know the count so that is the cool bit where nothing happens and you at the end enjoy your work :wink: with winked eye and may have a good reaction for it and enjoy like for instance i had a proper shack of sweet jiggling sliky trousers ass after getting soft busted.

And the 2nd part getting caught actually it has happen to me 6 times, where one was very worst of them all, its a detail story so stick with me and read out all to get to know my experience after getting busted, i will explain all 5 instances.

  1. Got caught by milf at Mall, she was thick and cute with big ass i got greedy and followed her for ver long time. In grocery store and after that other areas in mall when final she had enough and called mall security on me. The security took me to office and recorded my id details and later released me after an hour as the milf never accused me off recording but just that i followed her so i was away after an hour of mistreatment from mall security. Later once i saw the record i notice she noticed me for so many times and tried to get out of reach from me for 2, 3 times my style is that i dont look or stare the subject while i shoot so i never knew she was aware.

  2. I was caught by 2 sisters i guess one mature and other not so. one confronted me and asked me why i am following them she also never had any idea of the taping i was doing.

  3. That is tough one, i got caught by hypermarket security personnel actually it was not that big hypermarket in a suburb of city i was just roming in market shooting and follow few subject outside the gate for 2, 3 times while a come back for more i guess the gate security altered backend staff to check me on CCTV as i am frequently coming in and out and i guess the monitored me through the roof mounted CCTV cameras and after some time they knew what i was doing when i was going out gate guard caught me and snatched my phone from my hand. Then all of them gathered and took mn to underground security containment cell where the open my phone and found all the data including in the recent shoot market ones plus all the old data in my phone, that was totally fucked up they were in numbers actually i belong to a close or Conservated country where this is big offense the were around 20 plus male members of staff of market security and other staff ground handlers loaders and i dont know i guess word broke out and all staff knew they caught a guy in basement, then i got beaten up by all of them for hours, later they treaten to hand me over to police as they have evidence on my mobile but for some reason when they saw they had beaten me up to the piont that it can cause them problems with police so they recorded my vedio as what i was doing and i will never comeback later one of their boss escorted me out to the gate and outside, one moment i felt that they would probably kill me by sewer beating, but lucky i survived, my body had bruises and sore muscles for days paticularly head bumb stay next one month with pain for me, i think any one of them animals had beaten my back of the head with stick. I had a head bump for so long that i thought might trouble me for doctors visit but thankfully it got cleared out after a month or so.

  4. Got caught by an other lady in an area where people go for outings i was taping a subject where she approched them and indicated them that i am following them and recording lucky the subjects never heared her outcry and they move one so do she as they were walking in opposite direction, later once i saw the record i came to know that she did notify them about it but it was quick they never knew what she told them as i dont look or stare towards subjects i once again never knew that this has happened.

  5. Got caught by a cute pretty girl at the airport, i spend some time at lounge had 3 strong double drinks in me while going to the gate a saw this cute girl and decided to record her she went in one of the store i followed her i was looking away and was exploring products while she confronted me and asked me that i am recording her and she demanded to show my phone to her otherwise she will call police i knew now it will creat a seen so i gave my phone and tried to convince her that i was not shooting she checked the phone and didn’t find anything i got lucky she then let me go, later when i saw the record it was too obvious as i was too much drunk and overconfident following her very closely as she passed me she noticed me at that piont only as we were coming opposite direction to each other while her cute little ass was so pretty she had bearly nothing underneath her light trousers her pussypad was also visible through that perhaps she was aware of her looks and i was too drunk i at one point wanting to shoot her ass from all angles including underneath as well but got caught within a minute of record.

  6. Got caught by family of women i followed them in an outing area and it seems they noticed me about 7 ladies i had one subject in them but i never knew who noticed me. Once done record i left to other direction but after sometime i saw a security guy coming after me he called me out and told me that those women complained about me that i follow them so he asked me to leave the area immediately, lucky they didn’t ask to check the mobile or they might have not be aware of record.

  7. Recently got caught in a mall where a subject noticed me i again was not aware that she knew i just had a small 30 sec record and then i left , later her husband and his friend confronted me asked me to show them my mobile as his wife has complained that i recorded her, if i dont give them the phone they will call the police so i have to give the phone i provided them they checked and found nothing later wife also came and she also checked found nothing, i just apologies to them and wife so they let me go.

There after i stopped the record sometimes i love to record but now i am too scared and never get close or in notice with subject in the end the result is so shitty that you dont enjoy so now i am very limited to no record kind of scenario.

I dress good and act neutral never make eye contact or stare the subject but yet a lot of them can judge me, i think my looks are like scary alpha male where women gets more alter kind of thing, i don’t know why but know i gave up on it specially last 2 times when i got caught i just started the record and only in 30 secds i got caught. So if you are not a handsome male or cute boy following attractive women will always raise suspicion.

Sometime i get mixed emotions on soft caught where a girl shaked her booty for the soot and a enjoyed it very much once viewing the record, but generally z type women doesn’t like been noticed or followed around i have observed this from quite a time now . But it is that mix reaction that keeps me going sometimes because the outcome is not always the same sometimes you will have a nice smile coming your way and extra show of the bodyparts , some booty shakes , some boobs show which you will enjoy by your heart but other times its that angry looking wife trying to put your ass behind bars for next year or those scary monster security personnel who will beat the shit out of you for just recording candid.

Anyway its risky business specially in Conservative countries where there is stick laws on public photography.

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Don’t give out your phone so those idiots can see and don’t give them your I.d info! Only if it’s a crime then they can look but only if they get the police they’re the ones who do it not security. I suggest don’t do it no more since you got caught like that and beat up wtf shits crazy


Not a lawyer and don’t know the laws for your country/region, but at least in Canada/US there’s nothing illegal about shooting in public (except up5kirts or areas where privacy is expected - washrooms, etc).

You are under no obligation to hand over your phone or ID to security, worst case is they can ask you to leave and tell you not to come back - which if you do return or refuse to leave, they can call police and it becomes trespassing.

As for being confronted by subjects or others, again - I would NOT let them touch my phone - they could take it and run off, or smash it. Who knows. I recommend acting apprehensive and be firm - remember, most people do not like to cause a scene - if they call you out, don’t be afraid to speak up and act offended “EXCUSE ME! ??? - WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY?” kinda response ends to shut people down. Of course, use discretion - that might not be appropriate in some situations (example- if there’s a bf or guy that looks like a meathead on roids).


It’s just stupid how they make it seem like it doesntseem okay and “weird” to do candids. I’ve caught girls taking pictures when I’m just casually sitting.