I love this addiction

Some people come on here and give a sob story on how bad and how much this is ruining their life, I’ve also had negative experiences being in this hobby like an ex gf finding out and feeling embarrassed at the moment but it’s whatever those guilt feelings do go away, I remember I’d delete everything out of guilt and then a week later I find myself craving to download the thick asses back into my storage. After I learned to stop feeling guilty I no longer delete my stuff anymore. I love this hobby to death, been in this sense I was 17 and I’m 26 lol took me too long to realize this desire we have is all natural…. I don’t cap myself but I’m so addicted to collecting candids I think I have at least 8 Terabytes of different types of ass in my storage I’ve probably busted gallons too and I love it and will never stop.the amount of money I’ve spent buying vids is probably over 1,000 but I don’t care every vid is always worth it, I don’t care who else finds out about my hobby or who judges me for it this will always be part of me :joy: the point of this post my brothers is for you to embrace ur kink and not to feel guilty bc U only live once so just keep capping and collecting until u go to ur grave lol.


Power to you brother

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Consider yourself lucky to have the money to spend like that. I personally collect the free stuff with an occasional cap of opportunity, but I totally agree with you.

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It’s a different kind of addiction when you’re an actual shooter tho :movie_camera: !! I promise


Finally someone who thinks like me except for the part where you buy the videos
I freaking love this candid game to the death of me


I was all for it until I saw he doesn’t actually fully partake haha


Don’t spend money on candids, especially when you can get them for free.

Most of the stuff people sell is just stolen content anyway.


So true lol…

Meh. It’s all fun in games until you get caught and the feds seize your phone. That’s my biggest fear in all this. Because once they do. You’re gonna have a warrant for your arrest. And I’m pretty sure local media will cover the story. And then it’ll go viral on tiktok and other social medias. I’m pretty sure you got something illegal (up shots/ under sk!rt) shots somewhere in those 4 terabytes of storage. Stay safe. The best way it to hide everything in case it does happen.

I ran out of storage on my phone because of candids, I don’t think I want to get a hard drive tho and collect more. Because then I’ll end up have over 1 terabyte of storage as well. But having 4 terabytes of storage is a little insane don’t you think.? If you think about it. It would take 4 PlayStation 5’s to store all the content that you have. (1 PlayStation has 1 terabyte of storage per console)

just echoing the OG, there’s really no reason to ever buy candids. I personally wouldn’t because you’re more than likely supporting a shark-bitin’ ass bitchmade poser who ripped his stuff from other shooters.

I don’t watermark. I think it’s stupid and tacky. I can’t claim ownership over a sight that literally anyone could’ve seen if they were there. I was just the one to shoot and share. We share because we’re a community and want to share. No one should be making money off of this activity imo, let alone snakes who claim ownership of others’ content before selling it.


Until you get caught and the feds seize your phone? Damn man. You’d have to be on some serious shit for any feds to be interested in you liking pictures of clothed asses in public.


All it takes is to get caught capping one time. I know he said he doesn’t do it. But I’m sure at some point he’s gonna see the juiciest most bubble ass and be tempted to cap. We all do

Yup! You and me both! Cheers to :peach:!

Everyone should try it… start small, some far away shots, next thing you know you’re daring yourself to snap that ass real close on a Lulu store assistant :rofl:


…and you’ll do it too

At first I thought you were talking about actually capping yourself not about just consuming other people’s candids. Like someone else said already, it is different when you are doing it than just consuming it, personally I think it is way less judgemental when you only consume it than when you go out and cap, so really don’t think why you should have felt guilty in the past, its just like eyeing chicks in the street which is pretty common, no much shame on that. Capping goes next level of getting judged and that’s what’s about 100% of posts I’ve seen of guys feeling bad about DOING it not just consuming candids.

I liked your honesty tho, wish more people were this real with themselves and not bs their way to get some sympathy online for capping.


Idk if I love this addiction per se but I do enjoy all the captures & actually capping myself. It is thrilling getting to record a perfect ass to share with the rest of y’all.


Yeah seriously my phone is full of hot bikini ass candid videos and i sure as hell didnt pay for a single one i will never pay for something i easily get for free