Milf vs Teen Ass

bro pleaaaaase the milf video :heart:
ur a GOAT

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both are great…

I’d take the milf and regret it 2 years later

Finally someone who understands, lol.


Milf by a longshot

Well they both look amazing and good looking from the outside! But common sense says that the 18 year old holes are much tighter and have less miles than the 30+

that first girl got me good holy fuck

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I’m surprised no one said this yet. I’d take the t e e n and turn her into a MILF :joy: Seriously though way more upside for the t e e n than the MILF that expires sooner. Just my $0.02.

tee cuz her butthole is probably pink.

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In my opinion MILF has it all day but I like older women so I have a bias.

Milf all day

She definitely got the gift from mom :yum: