Need Advice Samsung User

So im a samsung user, who has been doing caps on and off for about 2 years and has never really been successful at getting good caps. I do have black app and BVR Pro. I need tips and on how i should get caps without looking suspicious or getting caught.


I’ve used Samsungs for years. I created a routine that dims the screen, puts the phone on silent and opens the camera in the secure folder with one button. Before you go out to shoot just make sure your camera is setup. I make sure video pro is the last mode used and flash is off. I also adjust the exposure to +.08 to help with dark subjects (black leggings). Get your caps and then you can back out the camera and press the routine button again and undo the changes! And by capping in the secure folder if you were to need to show your phone to someone all your caps are already hidden in the secure folder.


Great tips , thanks!

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How to setup the dim screen and stuff