Nerdy hispanic nerd with green shorts, Upshots and VTL

Oh my, she’s so hot, gorgeous! Great angles, well shot!

Incredible shots! That’s a great body🔥

Haha. Oh trust me. She knew far too much about that anime section to not be a nerd.

EZGif .com . I upload my stuff onto my laptop and do it from there. It’s a bit of a game to get them to the right size for this site (lower than 10MB) but I find they work well. (Sorry if you read this before I changed the name of the site. I thought it was gifmaker, it’s EZgif)

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You’re probably right. I’m hilariously bad at guessing ethnicities.

Hot! What a great ass

Thanks!! :fire:

Neeed :tired_face::hot_face:

Why u gotta call her a nerd twice​:sob::sob::joy::joy: nice caps tho amazing angles​:ok_hand:

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Sexy chic very nice ass great cap!!

LOL didn’t even realize I did that.

My favorite post for today that’s for sure

This is absolutely superb!!!

Very Nice ass

So nerdy

Idk how I miss these amazing posts :sob: hoping you can drop vid since this post was so popular

I wish my girl was this damn cute :pleading_face: I’d worship that booty

wowm amazing lady in shorts the vid pl

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