New users

Good morning just out of curiosity can someone please explain to me how or why my status went from new user to basic user back to new user. Every post needs to be approved now. It just recently went back to new user. Thanks in advance

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Good question, not sure exactly how it works with the back and forth, maybe a post got deleted or removed and brought you back a step? Other than that it seems like it would require a deep dive LOL
There is a page explaining this, i cant find it at the moment,

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I see you were suspended recently.

The typical reason is because of a community guideline violation or circumvention of rules in one way or the other that a mod deemed egregious enough to alter your trust privileges. A mod may wish to watch your account to ensure a repeated infraction doesn’t take place, or perhaps put your account on a temporary hold to some capacity in respects to that violation for a period of time.

The less likely reason would be a site error or system issue.


Thanks Lizzy

Ok thanks I don’t recall being suspended for anything. But thanks for the info very helpful