Pair of 10's chasing seagulls

These two gorgeous girls were being dive-bombed by seagulls. I caught them trying to chase off the birds. Absolute stunners in my opinion.


Cuties with some booties

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Amazing girls :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Phenomenal caps! Both gorgeous. Love the stance and shape on orange. Nicely done if o.c.

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I sure do miss summer

Great quality!! perfect subjects and lighting.

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Great looking butts

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Dude you nailed the shots epic stuff thx

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That blonde really does it for me, such a thick, juicy ass. Damn man, great high quality shit. I appreciate the post!

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Nice pancake asses. Not 10s but certainly no lower than 7s or 8s. Definitely tipping the fuckable scale tho

Holy fuck they are hot as fuckkk