PAWG in purple DFYNE shorts

expect vid to drop sometime this week. will be watermarked however. i’ve seen people post my stuff on other websites and claim it as theirs/sell it. quality may be reduced from 4k to 720p also. really hate thieves


Should watermark your vids so others wont steal the content, but thanks well appreciated !

Thank you!Nice cap !!
Why the quality reduction ?

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just watermark the middle of the video with the link directly to your profile but very transparent but dont make the quality bad please


Gyatttt damn! Great catch

Gran culote

Gaaaaaahhh damnn. -220 braincells looking at that ass, reverting me to this primitive ape only worried about sex

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so if someone decides to steal my work, they’ll be getting the worst of it. even if i watermark it, someone can just claim that they post under my handle here.


Amazing cap, thanks for sharing

yea nah bro 720p is just fine, idk why these dudes are feening so hard for 4k lmao. Do what you gotta do, we risk our (social) lives every time we cap so wanting to protect your content is normal


finally someone with some sense


Very justified behavior. Furthermore, no one here is even entitled to get the vid, it’s just a bonus you decided to give out of your own kindness.


Wow, what an ass!!

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