I would not be able to hold my nutters with this one… damn man! Nice!!
Add an H in the beginning and remove both parenthesis and plus symbol for the link to work
@charls @FishySkipper
Just tried and no luck
Looks like it’s down already :/ Maybe try go file??
Try go file because it’s down AGAIN
wow within minutes they’re gone
Damn I’m havin no luck
Hi, I wanna suggest this website called bunker. A other vid sharing site I browse all the time ALWAYS mirrors vids on bunkr, and I’ve seen stuff from years ago still up. Seems it is VERY rare for stuff to be taken down from there.
That being said, I still can’t believe I’m only a few hours late and missed this gen again…
Thank you! It works
Saw it, thank you for the tag goat if it goes down lmk so I can look into reupping!
You’re the man!
Heres a backup
go file(.)io/d/1xKU8a