Sad because I chickened out

I was in a fast food restaurant and this super fine Hispanic girl with an amazing level 10 ass in tight jeans was literally standing 3 feet in front of me with that ass perfectly pointed in my direction. The problem was that there was a significantly overweight middle aged lady right behind me breathing down my neck. I thought that if I attempted the shot, I would have been seen by the overweight lady behind me. I couldn’t move anywhere because if I did it would have ruined the shot so I chickened out and just didn’t even try to take that pic. Was that smart to not even try and avoid getting seen or should I have taken the risk? How do you deal with people right behind you breathing down your neck when you want to take a pic?


well sometimes you have to pass the shot since you always have to have the risk in your mind of getting called out / possibly getting cops called on you etc.

it always sucks to let a hot ass girl with a nice ass and a great angle slide but if its too risky i wouldn’t do it.

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Next time tell her to get off your back because of health reasons


That’s what hidden video recorder apps are for, so nothing shows on your phone from the camera. Had a couple in sweatpants today I got in line behind, but decided to pass and move to another line.


Sometimes the best shots are the shots you did not take !!! The risk is too much !!!


like brightenup already said you just have to plan and anticipate situations better, in your situation a hidden recorder app would have worked

There’s always going to be more out there brother, this is the fun of this !

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There will be big time hits and misses. The misses sting bad I know and they always seem to be the all time best so that sucks even more. But just have to move on and get some wins.

There is always gonna be people there noticing you or that booty you circling n following.
Best is to be nonchalant, don’t give a f. Don’t worry about your reputation. Your a pervert, and these women want to make you horny so they feel like they are valuable females that can get the guy the want.
But they just make men horny,
Use spy cam there are various methods and techniques. And youll still look obvious to some people.

I got agree with above! LOL
Turn the screen brightness down, put it in camera mode and start snapping with the volume button!

You do know about the volume button?!?

Put thumbs in pockets or on backpack straps to steady the shot.

Others on here pay for background apps, camera on but seeing the internet page or something. It’s cool but that’s only one view.

Take note of other users angles, ask yourself how you can perform that in certain instances. Then take practice shots to see if your getting it, doesn’t have to be a 10, it’s for practice.

Dont beat yourself up over it, be ready next time. I always have someone with me on nearly every subject and I have managed.

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you just have to tell her… ma’am we are in a pandemic (COVID) could you give me my space 1.8 meters

I actually have a shortcut to turn brightness down and turn on camera but I haven’t used it in so long I forgot about it. That would have been a good idea to use. :+1:

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It’s good dude. I missed a lot of perfect shots cause people are around. It’s a bummer, but it’s best to just let it go. Perfect opportunities await those who are patient. Paying attention to your surroundings is the most important thing, so just be glad you didnt jump the gun cause you most likely would have been called out.

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For those needing the shortcut method, start here:

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:sob::sob: Nah but just use an app that makes your screen black while recording and you have a back so just use it to block her view of your phone

I use the Black Screen app for instances like that where people might be snooping around me.

Easy answer. You prepare ahead of time like start recording before you go in the store. But it was just boring jeans so I wouldn’t worry about it.