The cap or the post?

After reading different discussions on here about the enjoyment of this hobby and also seeing how posters request feedback (which I typically leave) about their work, I began to wonder: what is more exciting or more of an adrenaline rush- the capping, the post&feedback, or both? As a capper that doesn’t post (although I have with past accounts) I am a very strong supporter. I love the adrenaline of getting a good cap, also often wonder on failed caps, but curious if that feeling differs from the attention your posting receives, especially after knowing or thinking you capped gold. Do some posters post and couldn’t care less about the attention their work receives, just happy to share?


I def cap more than I share and then I only share what I think others may like. I like the rush of capping, it’s a feeling that I think I’ll always have. Even when I’m with my wife I can’t help it, it just adds to it since she doesn’t know I do it. And as far as feedback goes for me, it’s always nice but n never required to feel “satisfied”. I do always tend to share my better caps bc I have stuff that’s only for my eyes,. I do enjoy looking at other ppls caps also, Im on this site daily :sweat_smile:

Also, looking forward to your caps!


Thank Josh, I appreciate your comment. I have always enjoyed your work, it’s some of the best!!!

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The worst!

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I can imagine. As stated, I don’t post my content, but when I see vid beggars it makes me mad, and it’s not even my post haha!


I love the rush capping out in the field no doubt. It’s also satisfying knowing I’m not alone in this line of work, enjoying y’alls caps and the feedback. It would be nice getting more love though especially since you can see how much more downloads/views posts get that don’t necessary reflect quality.

I’ve seen some posts that deserve hundreds of likes/comments that are slept on with very impressive looking babes/asses!! C’mon now lol


I have a genuine question for this and not trying to be rude, and want to make it clear i appreciate what the cappers do and love yall for that, im not good at it otherwise i would too, knowing that vid requesting is a common thing, and seeing that some posters do it how come some dont just post the video from the get go to avoid that? as i see that some take the time to make a gif, i think that time would be best spent editing the video and avoiding the constant request for it

There’s no incentive for OC posters to drop videos. It’s basically for the viewers own enjoyment which only a handful of generous shooters do.

Not to mention it takes a lot of time to video edit, money spent to store caps safely, the time and effort to go out and get caps. Then you have resellers selling their content, locations get exposed etc.

The risk outweighs the reward greatly. Ask yourself what reward is the shooter getting in posting vids publicly?


I like capping rather than the post and feedback. Sometimes, I get something that I choose to keep it for myself

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Kinda equal for me both now. Used to just cap for myself then I found this site and enjoyed the content and thought i’d share. I like that people can enjoy my posts as much as I enjoy them. Not much reward other than people acknowledging you took a great cap of a hot girl which I’m all good with since if I’m gonna cap I might as well get some praise for the cap

Have mostly been making gifs out of the videos i have mainly because i can crop and the gif is instantly shown like a picture. Have only posted one video and thats just cause it’s LA fitness and they all look the same. Posting a video knowing full well it would probably be stolen and sold is something i want to avoid


Yes, I agree with that. While everyone has and is entitled to their own style of enjoyment, I often wonder how in the hell some caps get a ton of likes, but in my opinion are gut wrenching, while others that are dimes have a lot fewer. If I leave a :heart:, I 99% leave some comment. Other caps I may leave more of a detailed comment if I see that there is discussion being had. I actually enjoy the discussion of a post, just as much as the caps themselves. I have said it time and time again, if this forum has a “follow button”, it would allow members to follow the content they enjoy and in turn give the cappers the credit and acknowledgment they deserve.

One day I had the pleasure of sharing the minimum of my content here, I don’t like how many things here work, and I talk more about the behavioral issue, another thing I really don’t like is how some posts are treated in an excessively overestimated way while others with the same level are excessively underestimated, but I don’t flag or make my observations directly in the situation I just mentioned so as not to give the wrong impression and create a situation of discredit to any hunter, after all I have nothing against anyone here, and I don’t belittle other people’s content either.

Besides, I agree 100% with what Gloryyhole said.


Ive been capping for [redacted] and have only posted 2 vids and a couple bend-over shots here since last November, which is probably less than 1% of the total content Ive collected.

I only want to share the best, so before I share anything I want to make sure its all edited properly. I have a few other good videos Im probably going to post sometime in the next couple months, but Im procrastinating the editing process.

Ive thought about watermarking my stuff because Im proud of it, but at the end of the day, what is the clout of my anonymous persona on this forum really worth? Just enjoy what I share and let me know what you think. There have been multiple times that Ive capped some very beautiful stuff, was in the exact right place at the exact right time, and I want other people to see what Ive seen.


For someone who started doing this well before I knew there were sites dedicated to this, there’s nothing that beats that first heart pounding moment you gaze eyes upon a full 10, knowing you have an amazing open window to get some caps.

As for feedback, I can take it or leave it. Just want share what I see with everyone else!


I wish I could post many of my caps but there are several reasons I don’t do it, at least for now. I pretty much cap for myself and my own enjoyment than for online clout, even though some wouldn’t be bad I’m still happy staying in the dark.

I would like to point out that watermarking whatever you cap is the way to go. The candid community is full of leechers who steal what original shooters put out, selling it or not crediting. I know there are workarounds to remove watermarks but still better not make it easy for them.


I cap a lot more than I share, but I notice that sharing gives a similar kick. It’s good for when I need to take a break from capping, as we all understand how draining it can be. And how we need to break for other reasons lolz. So when you’re layin lo in the cut, that’s when sharing is most fun


Uploading day/time matters too much here. I learned the hard way not to upload on a weekend day, as this site turns into a wasteland on weekends lol. Your stuff has to be above average to stand out and survive in a weekend, there are some average lucky ones as well


I wish I cared more, or enough to maybe profit. Maybe if I posted something good enough to sell that I saw being sold by an imposter maybe that would irk me, but who cares really. I got the OG cap and saw that shit raw. Still gets me off without the watermark present. And if you post it here, the community has done a really fine job keepin users honest here for not bitin others’ work, so I wouldn’t be too concerned. Maybe it’s just me but there are way more important things than some people online giving credit to a phony or someone else profiting from my stuff in this upstanding “line of work.” I don’t really want to be known for this shit anyway, personally. This is strictly an online persona.


There’s no honor among thieves the adage says. We get to cap someone wihtout their permission and post it, we get those caps taken somewhere else and proffit is made off of it. Sounds like nature’s cycle when flies end up feeding off the decomposing matter. I get you. For me it’s more about making it harder for smartasses than any perosnal credit, I know this is just part of any online activity, anyway, online thots have it way worse lol


I don’t understand “capping for profit”, but where theirs is money to be made, it will be. I blame the person willing to pay for a cap where there are millions for beauties for free. You can also go to you mall and see it live, for free! It’s like paying for p0rn nowadays, doesn’t make sense. As for the thieves, t they’re ridiculous, but again, that will never stop!