There’s no honor among thieves the adage says. We get to cap someone wihtout their permission and post it, we get those caps taken somewhere else and proffit is made off of it. Sounds like nature’s cycle when flies end up feeding off the decomposing matter. I get you. For me it’s more about making it harder for smartasses than any perosnal credit, I know this is just part of any online activity, anyway, online thots have it way worse lol
I don’t understand “capping for profit”, but where theirs is money to be made, it will be. I blame the person willing to pay for a cap where there are millions for beauties for free. You can also go to you mall and see it live, for free! It’s like paying for p0rn nowadays, doesn’t make sense. As for the thieves, t they’re ridiculous, but again, that will never stop!
I think proffiting off candids shouldn’t have a bad look if it is with your own stuff you went out and capped yourself. At the end of the day It’s your stuff, do whatever you want with it. And as long as there’s proffit, it will continue to exist, that’s the whole p*rn business, many don’t pay for it since it’s basically everywhere for free nowadays but theres also another handful that does pay suscriptions etc, same goes to candids with many unsuspecting people that don’t mind paying to get access to the best stuff even if its stolen.
Yes, man, I know about the situation of weekends being much less busy here. I know this forum reasonably well because I consider myself active, even if I’ve been less active lately. But besides what I mentioned before, there are patterns and trends of tastes here (mainly due to cultural and country issues), which matches exactly what I said before about overrated/underrated. Maybe because I don’t have a specific taste in women, I can admire all types, not following the clear trend here on the forum.
I always observe and value curves and shapes, regardless of the country, I give the same value, but it’s just my taste and my opinion.
Yeah but that “smartass” may also be a balding loser who spends half his time on Warhammer 40k or my little pony. I’ll manage.
Yup, no point trying to curtail them for something I have no intention to ever sell.
I have like one set of video and pics that could probably go for $15 a pop to some desperate buyers. Instead I’ll save it for my last share here.
That’s awesome! I under the work that goes into editing them. I consider myself pretty basic when it comes to the time I put into editing, but also do have all the useful tools to do it as good as avid cappers. It’s seems just like anything else, the moment you turn a hobby into a “job”, it loses its appeal. Can’t wait to see that final post
@CandidDesireV2 I find that if people dont comment on your post, it wont bring it to the latest page so then it eventually dies down in the new posts section and then nobody sees it anymore
I can understand that! Again, as I’ve mentioned numerous times, a “follow button” would be so beneficial, especially to cappers that appreciate the feedback and interaction. For instance, I just noticed your profile now because you commented on this post. I like your work, I will comment and it, but the next time you post, it can easily fall through the cracks, so to speak. I’ve seen post on the feed and think, “damn, this is amazing, it’s going to blow up”, then realize it’s from June of ‘22 and only has a few likes. FOLLOW BUTTON!
That’s exactly what I just commented on as well, (see my reply to him). FOLLOW BUTTON !
Yup, if you post during high traffic you risk the post being missed even if it’s a great topic, and it ends up getting deleted after not meeting the 24 hour like quota because of it
Follow button would be amazing fs. Even just a new sorting option like hottest where a posts combined likes and comments can bring it to the top like reddit would be good
That’s true. Although, there are a lot of post on here that do not spark my interest in the least, but it has a ton of attention!
For both very real and also comedic purposes, a follow button has never made more sense pertaining to this thing of ours.
I’d follow @gloryyholecandids during the next whitey-tighty till my tits freeze off.
I’d follow @MightyForce aisle to aisle at Targ any day.
For me it’s the thought “Damn, that is such a nice ass displayed for me and everyone to see. I need to capture this to have it in my collection.” That sole part where you spot such a nice ass and have the actual oppurtunity to cap? Nothing beats that. Especially when it’s a perfect moment such as being behind them in line, walking behind them in a packed location and you dont look sus, or both you and the subject are stationary. Once the booty has been capped and I review the footage, I’m either ecstatic that I capped perfectly or I’m highly disappointed that I didn’t do better. All in all, I move on to find the next perfect ass. I honestly see this shit as like capturing pokemon, I want to capture all perfect asses in the world and store them in my collection.
Thank you much appreciated it!!
I personally like the feedback the most. I love hearing what other guys think of my work/the girl I capped and getting ideas on how to take better candids in the future. Recently tried my first upshot and it felt so good thinking about what people would think of my pics.