The Fattest Ass In Leggings Walking With Her BF (Not OC)

Lucky mf. I’d be deep in that ass every night

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If she spread her legs wide enough, I’d eat my way to her heart!

This is still one of my favourites on here

She’s a 10 out of 10 just for that ass, I have fucked some amazing arses in my time but I’ve never got one this good I don’t think

Incredible thick ass to follow all day

sim deliciaaaaaa !!! bien men

Nice catch!!

Nice :ok_hand:

This guy is right! She has a twin sister that’s just as hot


I was also able to get some videos of them but unfortunately the quality wasn’t too good


what an amazing ass!

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Damnnn good stuff!

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This is unbelievable!

Downloaded them up shots straight away

Oh my god

sweet geezus
this is what I call RETARDED ass :sob: :confounded:
christ this is god-tier stuff :dizzy_face: :fire:

No that is wonderful! Great find

That one of the Learmen twins

I’d Rough Grope that Dense Fat Butt then Dump a LOAD of NUT in her hair

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