Theme park yoga pants Latina with bend over (video)

Was at the theme park for vacation recently. I saw this cute latina with her boyfriend waiting in the queue and hoping to get some nice ass shots of her. Perfect timing, they opened up the ride and she had to bend over to cross under the rope. My camera was running and got the sweet bendover moment for you all to enjoy. enjoy and like!




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Perfect timing! Love the visible thong line!


i’m trying to understand what that little extra bump is on the VPL…if someone can shed some light on that, that’ll be great

Looks like the leggings are slightly damaged.
4 little threads got pulled, causing some lines which appear like bumps

Great shots, and especially that awesome bend over to get under the rope! I would happily wait in line behind her for an hour, enjoying her sexy ass and legs in those Lululemon leggings, looking for glimpses of her VTL as well! Great work - thanks for sharing with us.

Perfect VTL

love her and her lulus as well - very hot butt and her vpl too. love it thanks mate cheers

Please can you reup thanks

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https://go file .io /d/1E3tR5

Taylor swift’s great song- blank spaces ^^


It aint working

She has a nice sexy butt


Can you re-up the video please :pray::pray::pray::pray:

Nice girl but neither video is found. Re-up please?


https://go file. io/d/vcdutU




Can’t seem to download due to monthly limit for whatever reason

it’s still there

https:// go file. io/ d /vcdutU

Great ass and thong! Always love the amount of women wearing leggings at the theme parks