Thick latina milf busted/caught

This sexy latina milf was amazing. As she walked down the different aisles you can see how her ass was just trying to eat their way out. Finally when she needed to grab her next item. Just bent right over for it. Only feet away, it was all recorded. Can just see how good that ass is when it gets to breathe. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better. She puts away her groceries & spots the camera. Rather than getting angry, she gets immediately flustered & tries holding back her smile. She loved all the attention.

Just as always guys, I can’t post the video. As soon as a mod approves. I will post it either on the post or in the comments. So show the admins what you want, leave a reaction & comment. Until then check out my other content.



We want the vid! Nice story btw, is that why you can’t post the vid? Since you mentioned she liked the attention? She’s a looker and the world should see her!

No, this is my second time posting this. It got removed for breaking a rule. Vid will come soon tho stay tuned!


You definitely should of talked to her she loved the attention


She’s a butta face so it makes sense you should have complimented her smile and went in for the kill

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He definitely missed out butterfaces are ez hits

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Super easy marks she would have lit up like a pumpkin on Halloween had he did it lol she knows her ass is fat but moving the convo to something else that doesn’t get attention is gold.

She has a baning body

Shes got a banging body :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Awesome cap bro. Talk to her next time!

Love when they smile <3 boys will be boys

Okay heres the link. I’m posting it for you guys. Please if it gets removed or I’m banned. Share it with each other. (Add basic urls & remove spaces)


If you can also check out my new post & make some noise on it so we can clarify everything out. It will help so much, by giving what you guys want from the very start. The link.



Thank you

Here i posted it on go file

go file(.)io/d/h64p5g


What do you remove or add to get to the vid?

That smile that gives at the end and close you did (chefs kiss) :kissing: :pinched_fingers:

For my link, exactly what you would type after google. So replace google with pixeldrain. Follow with the typical url. Then after with /u/YryerskZ


Just add dot com after the pixeldrain

This might be the best jiggle on the site lol

That was so hot. Jiggly booty looked delicious