Treadmill Ass running

Man, this girl’s ass was looking so good and fat this day. I did what I could but it is impossible to get non blurry pics when moving with iphone. I had the camera on slow mo and I still didn’t get decent frames.

Any tips guys for catching targets while moving?


I dont have an iPhone, but you should be able to select a higher fps and maybe slightly lower resolution. Then just select frames in yoir phones edit mode and save them.


She looks great

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Got video?

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I bet those ass cheeks move so deliciously as she was running

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They were definitely bouncing!

Send me a dm and I can send a clip to you bro… I won’t share for people who don’t even like posts to download it like leeches haha.

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I have it at 120 fps 4k even on slo mo , maybe I moved to fast like the flash or someshit haha


can i send a dm too ?

May we see it the video

Great capture! Would love to see it in motion!

Good Lord. Wanna swipe my hand up and down that crack like a credit card and then sniff it!