Two Latina mom with thick booty vpl and upshotted (video)

Here are 2 Latina milfs with different types of booty and tight pants. Who do you prefer? I actually started snapping away at the first tan pants latina booty first, then snapped separately the one in the black pants (lots of VPL action on that one). I somehow bumped into them at the next store and they were actually shopping together so I was able to get some 2 for 1 shots for you all to enjoy. Not the best lookers but my focus was on the asses. Got a 6 min video for you all. Enjoy and like.



Great caps bro. Love them Mexican milfs. So thick in the right places bro


Both are meh but the vpl is kinda hot for their age


That’s amazing bro I need to hit Ross more

great pics and taste!

You were caught like fk :rofl::rofl::rofl: in the end clip they kept looking at the camera and one friend even said come over here to the other girl cause she knew what was going on :joy::joy::joy: omg this is insane!!! Good cap tho

really? damn, they were speaking spanish so i had no idea what they were saying

bro sensational, i don’t normally say shit like this, but had to rub one out to this one lol

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so much ass :drooling_face:

could we get video re-up?

https://go file .io/d/8gSTS3



WTF there is no video

I like your taste man, these are great! Love that Latina milf with the boots and beige tights