People who scroll this site with no acc should 100% have a like system that sets apart from people with accounts. I’m almost positive people who watch with no account can’t give likes.
Pros and cons? Well absolutely 0 cons
For instance it should say 100 likes with info and then next to that will say 500 anon likes.
wouldn’t allow them to comment still
I understand the feeling of complacency that a like can generate, but really, why do we want it? We’re not going to make money, and really, the people you want to see the material are the members of the community who share the fetish, not the tourists who come to take a stroll. However, I would agree that only those who have an account can see the photos. That’s just my opinion.
Forum should be completely locked to the public until you make a username.
This might help with people stealing content & making profit out of someone’s caps.
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