Advice for resisting the urge to cap?

On the weekend I’m heading to a music festival with friends.

It’s outdoors, it will be hotter than two foxes fucking in a forest fire and there will be endless sea of bodacious bodies wearing very little. I’ve been before and goddamn some of these women are jaw dropping and just an inch of fabric away from being completely nude, the shortest shorts, fishnets, well you can imagine

Somehow I’ve only just realized… it’s gonna be really fucking tough to resist the urge to cap.

I really don’t want to feel that inner conflict as I try to enjoy the music while constantly seeing ‘missed opportunities’

It’s bad enough at work but at a festival I just wanna enjoy with my boys… I don’t want to be trying to fight off this feeling

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve capped and I’m pretty proud of the fact considering I was straight up addicted to it for a while. Today I almost slipped up and got out my phone when I saw a worldclass latina wearing the shortest shorts strut in front of me… but it’s as if the universe intervened because quite literally as soon as the thought to cap crossed my mind I ran into a family friend who doesn’t even live anywhere near that part of town. What the FUCK were the chances? I was at the shops all day and the one moment I was about to break my streak and cap I saw someone I knew

Back to fighting the urges to cap… I’ve tried a few things.

  • I’ve reminded myself that there are always more ‘fish in the sea’ as in there’s someone sexier around the corner, even if it takes a few weeks or months to round the corner

  • I’ve reminded myself that at the end of the day even the best caps are nothing more than pixels. Nothing flesh and blood. Jacking off to pixels can only be so good.

  • Tried to remind myself that the feeling of having total control over my urges beats the adrenaline rush of capping or the shortlived pleasure of jacking the beanstalk

  • Reminding myself it’s an endless pursuit and will only end with dissatisfaction or immense regret as I’m busted

It helps a bit but the urges are still there

To those of you who were into capping before meeting a partner… did having a lady in your life reduce the urges to cap other women at all?

My impulse to cap is always strongest when my life is in the gutter…the more full and fulfilling my life is (especially dating life) the less I think to cap and the better I am at brushing it off ‘missed opportunities’

A few strategies I’m weighing up …

  • Whenever I feel the urge to cap a smoking hot subject, approach her and try to ask her out (unless she’s clearly w a partner)

  • Allow myself to cap just one or two absolutely jaw dropping subjects to hopefully prevent the feeling of ‘missed opportunities’ without derailing things or drawing too much suspicion

  • Try to avoid gazing around at people and just stare at the stage as much as possible…not ideal but at work I have to keep my eyes to my store only or I’ll be bound to see sexy women walking past where it’s not only risky but impossible to cap them

  • Try to eye fuck them / remember them without capping (never works)

  • Pop molly and hopefully be feeling so good I don’t even think to cap

Any advice?


First off bro hop off the fucking mollies you fiend

So for actually advice just don’t do it unless they are really all that, don’t waste your time on average girls


come on nancy reagan It’s a music festival of course people will be popping molly like candy and just as well it can really elevate the experience. Sure there are some risks but I’m prepared to take them. Don’t we all take a risk whenever we cap with a much smaller reward?

The problem with allowing myself to cap one or two extremely hot women is that I can see how that might open the flood gate and make me more inclined to keep capping more

With our previous discussion, you said you disagreed with my statement about hopping off this site because you said you get good advice from here, yet you’re still here.

I say this respectfully, mind you. You’re not gonna fully detach from this habit as long as you have this website as an intrinsic link bridging you and candids. You’re here asking advice towards resisting the urge, and I’m telling you, this site is largely to do with it. You may not be posting, clicking on any of the links, or doing any indulging in regards to candids, but it doesn’t change the fact that it will always be a portal to the world you wish to forget. And as long as you’re here, you’re gonna slip.

My advice. If you’re serious about resisting the urge and outright quitting, you remove any and all aspects that logically link you to the habit, this being one of them. Now, you can’t logically get rid of your phone or your devices, but you can change the psychology in which you interact with them. Accept the fact you are always gonna see hot girls wearing next to nothing - that isn’t gonna change. So, your mentality towards them needs to.

If you have candids on your phone, delete them. Don’t store them anywhere. Completely delete them. Wipe your slate clean. Anything stored on hard drives, thumb drives, SD cards, etc. Remove them all. Purge your pallet, entirely. That’s your starting point. Clean slate. Leaving anything behind is an implicit admission that you have no plans to actually quit, or resist your urge. It’s akin to an alcoholic pouring his beer down the drain only to leave the last bottle in their fridge for… “just in case”.

You can’t keep one foot out the door. Your entire mindset needs to be rewired. I don’t mean to make it sound insurmountable, because if you do it slowly and surely, you’ll get better at it.

Second step, because you are going to need to replace your old habits with new ones, find new hobbies. Gym, pick up more hours at work, find anything you have a passion in and put serious effort towards it. Family, friends, colleagues, studying, picking up a trade, participating in a workshop, travelling, building, research, whatever. Fill your time with constructive habits. I would honestly avoid going to raves, parties, etc for a bit. Now, that may be a tall ask, but again - if you are serious - you will do it. Why? Because after you’ve filled your time with more constructive hobbies and your old hobbies are nothing more than a footnote from your past life, you won’t even need any tips or tricks to fight your urge - the urge won’t be there. You’ll have so much positive stuff you worked hard for going on in your life by the time that it will act as a deterrent to welcome back what you perceive to be the ‘negative’ stuff to undo it all.

People fall back into old destructive habits because they’re using it - in most cases - as a means to escape their reality. They’re in essence running away from something. You counteract this by doing the hard work in the beginning and building a life you’ll be proud of so that you don’t need coping mechanisms.


You’re in luck. You’ve come to the right place.



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For myself I fought the urge to cap because I burned myself out from shooting in 2022. At that point I knew I couldn’t hide the secret from my wife forever so that was the nail in the coffin for me.

If you’re single then yeah, the urge to cap will be pretty intense. Especially since admittedly, it’s hard to find great candid content on the web unless you pay up.

Do you have a buddy that would be cool with you capping? Like say to him at the festival, if the chick is indeed an absolute smoke show just nonchalantly say to him “holy fuck I don’t think I’ve seen a girl so hot, I think I should take some pics for my memory!” like make it seem it’s a very off the cuff, impulsive decision you made. and you can always have an answer ready if he says that’s perverted or whatever.

Sounds like it would be mentally impossible to not cap there. Hell, if I was with my wife in that type of environment, I’d be risking it. That’s just me though.

But I would say to maybe physically make it annoying for yourself. Like actually turn your phone all the way off (for a little while at least). Or maybe pack it away to where you can’t get to it super fast.

Just close your eyes bruv


I’ve been meaning to delete my caps, and all the screenshots of porn and stuff I’ve collected over the years.

I just haven’t been able to bring myself to do it yet.

There’s some of the sunk cost fallacy thinking ‘i spent so long procuring these, I don’t want it to feel like it was all for nothing’ but I know that I need to clean dirt out of the wound so it can heal

Building a more full life seems daunting but I need to look long term, capping is a very short lived pleasure and I know if I don’t start moving in the right direction now I will just get further away from the life I want one day

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Yeah one of the reasons I like caps is because I just find them sexier than any sort of porn for the most part, something about capturing women’s everyday beauty is more authentic and intimate than what you can find online. Besides, I’ve never been into any sort of hardcore porn either.

That’s made it harder to give up

I did burn myself out on it too, then I got fired for pushing my luck at work… but I want to set myself up for success so I don’t slip back into capping

It’s terrible feeling like there are missed opportunities whenever you’re in public.

One minute you’re hanging out with a friend then you’re in a bad mood because some dimepiece strutted past in booty shorts and you couldn’t capture them.

I’m certain that any of my friends would be disgusted if I tried to take candid photos of a woman… even though they’re probably eye fucking them.

I feel like even guys who pester women would probably be disgusted with the idea of capping, it’s funny how society draws such an arbitrary line.

A woman is in a public space, dressing for attention, happy to pose in any official photographs, knowing she’s being sexualised by any guys who see those photos and certainly any guys who walk past her…that’s fine… but the thought of someone taking a candid photo is enough to make her flip out.

A light switch will go off when you do. You want to commit, but that stuff is like a shackle holding you in place.

It wasn’t all for nothing. It cost you. It cost you job opportunities, it cost you quality time with friends/family/colleagues, it cost you your mental health. And it will continue to cost you more than it’s worth if you keep it.

No other advice will be beneficial to you. Any other advice outside of outright quitting and purging your slate clean is an admission to not wanting to change. Get it out of your life, man. You live with your brain, so it knows what you’re doing when you keep it, and therefore won’t fundamentally change whenever you go out. It’s primed to habits. If you remove it, your brain knows the jig is up.

If this site doesn’t believe in you, your friends do. Your family does. Commit.


2025 has you in your philosophical mode Great advice by the way!
How do you deal with candids in your daily life?

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Honestly, don’t let it consume me.

The minute you stop looking at it as a hobby is the moment you allow your self to be consumed by it. It’s important to check yourself every so often so that you keep that balance. If it’s ever to a point where it’s taking precedent over the more important things in your life, my advice would be to cease it entirely until you can find that balance, again. And even then, if you don’t need to do it then you don’t need to do it. Live your life.

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wierd post. never struggled with this. hope you find peace king.

It’s probably weirder not to struggle with these feelings to some degree since the addictive aspect and adrenaline rush and horniness is presumably what motivates most people to cap in the first place

Some people are more prone to addiction and struggle with self control and I’m one of them

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It doesnt matter what u do ur going to be right back on this site. Capping is an addiction id say 99.99 percent of people always come bavk to the dark side muhahahahahah