Back pocket jean technique

Hey so I’m back once again. I’ve recently got into shooting. Today I was looking at some jeans I had and found some with some pockets in the back I could use for recording the only problem is that the phone is not quite long enough to have the whole camera sticking out. So the shots end up like this

How am I supposed to keep my phone up enough to expose the whole camera? Tape my phone inside? Lol.

Also I’m just curious if this technique seems suspicious. I’m a guy and maybe I’m just overthinking but I feel like it might cause people to think “why does he have his phone in the back pocket instead of front pocket?”. And also one disadvantage to this technique I guess is that you have to turn your back on a girl and you can’t see if she’s behind you so you just have to hope she aligns in the camera and get a good shot.

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I would reconsider your technique. Yes it does look suspicious not to mention you are cutting holes in clothes to make this technique work. I’m not saying it can’t be done. You are just doing way more than is needed to get decent shots. Please consider using the search bar to begin reviewing some of the other candid advice and techniques littered throughout the forum.


Ok. I’ve been doing the technique where I simply hold the phone to my side naturally. The only issue with this technique is that if I’m moving my arms back and forth (like naturally someone would) the pics turn out blurry. So I have to be stiff with my arm that I’m recording with and that stills seems suspicious to me as well

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Also I have the SPC app. I can you a fake background like YouTube or a black camera or something. But do you know how you could get it to look like you’re texting or calling?

In what situations/settings are you capturing? Stores, street, work?

At my college campus mostly but I could also get some shots from the nearby stores

Put a napkin or your wallet or keys and it’ll hold it higher. I shoot like this sometimes. Use my watch camera mode to see what im shooting. You just can’t follow like this

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Even better use your backpack strap while walking and or books to help get different shots. I love using a backpack in different settings.

Turn your pants inside out, figure out where you want your phone to sit in chosen pocket, make a mark with a marker or pen, and put a few staples in it. Done.

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The more you overthink, the more suspicious you look. Actually go by the place you’re at and grab a few things you need. Then scope out the place. Don’t just go at the first piece of meat you see

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Put phone in shorts or jeans with tight side pockets. Put wallet or something in pocket first so phone sticks out a tiny bit. Then wear a shirt that doesn’t cover camera or barely covers it and put shirt behind phone or lift arm to reveal camera when u see target.


You’re going around your elbow to get to your wrist. Keep in mind the key is to look natural. Just have your phone in your hand and cap whatever comes your way

It’s better than “Why is his phone pointing up my asshole?”

Just keep the phone in your hands, most all shooters here catch with phone in hand. I catch with both action camera (weekends and underwater) and phone for shopping or supermarket. Try using those spy camera apps on android or iOS.

I’m not a woman

Pics or it doesn’t work

There’s no control in that pocket, I’m all about the control. That’s how the pics get all up in the ass crack

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I once cut a small hole into the front pocket of my jeans so my phone camera would record out. It honestly worked pretty good for stationary shots so moving targets are no good. Standing behind a subject in line is perfect for it.

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I should have specified that I use it for video only. I like it because I can get really close without being suspicious at all.