Best Places To Cap

I live in the South Bay Area, California and usually there’s a fair number of talent whenever I go out. But lately my usual spots have been somewhat lacking. Anyone have any suggestions other than the obvious answers like Target, Walmart, etc.? Doesn’t have to be Bay Area specific but it would definitely help. Also, any suggestions on spotting potential caps at more open places such as parks/on the sidewalk?

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Personally I don’t like to be exposed, so parks aren’t my go to, BUT there are usually baddies walking around parks later in the day right before, or as the sun goes down :sob::pray::pray: (mainly parks that have sidewalks for walking​:skull:) but I love capping at stores after like everyone gets out of skool , and work before sun goes down. There usually be some milf baddies round that time in Walmart target or grocery store​:100:. Would recommend going to mall, or a sports store like Dicks maybe tho. Try not to cap too early in the day unless ur at a gym or something​:skull:


Livermore outlets always have a great turnout at the Nike store there aswell

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