Brunette milf in purple yoga pants bends (OC Video)

Hi everyone, this is one of my favorite milf shots of all time. First- her non-black yoga pants makes filming and lighting much easier. Then her ass is perfectly shown through the yoga pants. There’s a short sequence in the video where you can see her ass jiggle as she walks. So juicy.

video link:*lf_in_purple_yoga_pants_bends.MOV/file


Nice work, but she is not blonde :joy:

you’re right, she’s a brunette- my bad

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yummy sexy milf reminds me of marisa tomei nice cap thanks!

wow dude she is super hot! and fit, def girlfriend material also not blonde lol

Damn, what a hot milf… sweet work there mate!

Dude, shes prime!!! :fire::fire::fire:

Petite and so tight :drooling_face:


bro her ass is flat as hell

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Great capture

amazing keep it coming more loke this plz good job

thats a fun one.