Got too greedy, caught at gym need some advice

In the local gym getting golden shots but then Walked up to this girl on the tred stairs and was caught by this girl watching, she told the target and they both confronted me
“Sir can you delete the video you took of her” they said I said “I apologize I was on a FaceTime call I didn’t mean for it to look like that” both asked to show them my phone and threatened to report me (bet they did anyways) thinking how to be slick I took my phone and scrolled to a random video which they called out, damn how do I get out of this I ask myself “just show the bottom of your gallery”
“Sorry but I’m not showing you anything, I wasn’t recording”
This didn’t sound convincing but I doubt I’d convince this pissed Latina
Luckily a gym friend was walking out in his group and saw I was in some trouble, he explained how I’m a good person and he hasn’t seen me do anything like that (jee if only you knew man) telling me to be more careful which kinda gave me an out so I said” sorry for the inconvenience guys again I didn’t mean for it to seem like that I don’t want a misunderstanding” and kinda walked off with the group while the 2 continue talking

Damn what to do now, I bet I’m reported but idk if they’ll go through CCTV if so what do y’all think will happen ? Deciding to lay low for a while but do you think if I continued my workouts Monday the staff will ask to talk to me or something? I kinda wear the same workout related things should I change appearance?


Don’t worry about it. If it’s not upsk1rt you’re good! And share the goods dude :sunglasses:


I gotchu🤝

Here’s some honest advice I wouldn’t shit where I sleep. At this rate I would probably go back to the gym reminding myself to film elsewhere. Sounds like this gym was ur usual spot… it might be blown though maybe start searching for a new place…but test the waters first don’t want to look guilty and also don’t want to be considered a creep. Fifty/Fity shot here.


Hope the link works


You should have pointed to the gym cameras and said look your being filmed there too, and tell them by the time they get home they’ll be on 60 more cameras depending if they live close by, Lol jk :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Sorry to hear man. I would lay low for a good while, and avoid filming in places you don’t want to be kicked out of.


Honestly that’s pretty brazen. You definitely should’ve been more prepared, but good capture.

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I’d keep a low profile for a while, give it a few weeks and you’ll be fine. If you know when the girls are at the gym you can always change your schedule.

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Nah continue to go so it doesnt seem suspicious and maybe just take a break for a little bit lay low and be on the alert of others if ya do


Agreed and thank you

Gets caught but still comes up good for the homies, my man you’re a legend LMAO


Nah don’t tell us everything just show the vids my man…keep ur secrect a secrect right?..can’t release all your secrets :shushing_face::v:

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The video is really bravely recorded, going incognito in the gym will be good for a few weeks and don’t worry, even if they reported, it was not an upskïrt or her changing whatsoever and also it was neither uncomfortably close so yup , Good luck

Continue about your business. I would lay low and not do what you did in this video. Buy a gym bag and prop your recorder on a side pocket with the camera exposed. Also a half out of the pocket trick works too or a belt clip you just need to get good at your standing angles. Cool thing about the folio case is i can carry my phone in my hand with recording on lowest brightness and no one would be able to tell. I use a phone with a folio case so my screen is always covered. Ppl get suspicious but can’t ever prove anything. Never admit to anything. I think you played this off well. You need to understand and expect that CCTV is always watching and that everything you do is on video and somebody could always be watching from a distance. You need to make your intentions and actions appear natural while simultaneously capping a juicy thiccness. Be creative and adopt a resting bitch face.


That wasn’t even worth it, as they say don’t shit where you sleep. If you do take that risk at least make sure she’s a 8/10 minimum.

You should have used a background recorder app so in case people confront you and forcefully check your gallery they won’t find any videos of themselves since the phone is locked while filming and the video is hidden from the gallery . I think you better start going to another gym since that incident may have ruined your reputation there . Remember you haven’t done anything illegal .

Maybe go in do your normal workout and then pretend like you are taking a video, not too obvious but instead of taking a video you get on a call with someone and if the confront you again you actually show you are in a call. Hopefully they feel stupid and will leave you alone


Longshot but if they are watching could work

Yo this is genius actually wtf