Gym blonde in tight green leggings, part 2


Been a long time since I posted regularly so I’m continuing from where I left off. Looking at it now these caps pale in comparison to what I’ve got in my library currently but you’re just going to have to wait until I get to those. You can see some samples here


Perfection. Great work

Yo :fire:

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:fist: :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops:


What a catch! Thanks!

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Outstanding caps! :hot_face:

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Wow ! What is your technique
Hidden cam ?
Just your phone on recording ?
Lol, great post

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Nah no hidden cam, just a GoPro sat atop a flat bench. I’m actually recording myself doing calf-raises from the side so I can judge my depth and ankle flexibility but the GoPro’s FOV is hella generous so I was able to get her in all the footage.

The black tornado in image 14 is me LOL


Great ! Thanks for sharing

For anyone interested I’ve added a video to part 1 but that post is nearly a year old at this point so I’m adding it here too:



Wow, she’s a 10/10. Just perfection. Awesome caps!

Isn’t it suspicious at all to have a GoPro at the gym? :thinking:

It’s no more suspicious than a phone and everyone has one of those.

When I first went to my gym I exclusively used the GoPro to record my form and I always had the front and rear screens on at full brightness, so everyone knew what I was doing. Anyone I caught in the GoPro’s FOV was a bonus. It’s only over time that I switched to turning both screens off and leaving them recording in conspicuous places. Of course people will look straight at the camera because there’s a lens right there, but there’s nothing on the device that suggests it’s on. Both screens are off as are all LEDs. So they can be suspicious but they can’t prove much.

Even now if I record myself I make sure both screens are on. If nothing else I’m consistent and I think this sends people for a loop because I’ve never once faltered with that - when it’s pointing towards me it’s on, when it’s pointing elsewhere it “looks” off.


please could you share video link for part 2 too? her bulge looks closer, epic capture

Respectfully, I only take requests from contributors


Bro she is hot I see lot of her from you she is a goddess and thanks for sharing

Her thighs :hot_face:

Thats a whole lot of ass


I saw this one’s famous, came to check out all the material. IDK how I’ve missed all of these posts…

He likes the mastery with which you hunt since he is a real candid and the girls never noticed