Incredible skinny asian with bbl pt2


Damn she’s bad

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Nice catch man! But in some of the shots (shots 2, 3, 5, 11, 13, and last one), you might want to blur out the college name, website address, and license plates for opsec purposes.


Good catch

Asian Spinner with a winner ass…outstanding one, very nice catch my friend. Thank you.

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Been waiting for the part 2 update! Many thanks!

That was not her car but i will still blur it out.

You can’t have skinny and bbl in the same title. Is there not any moderation with false language ? Ugh

BBL is a procedure on the glutes mate, and she defintly may have gotten one, that i can’t tell for sure tho… is it easy to recognize?

It was so obvious is person. Definitely fake ass

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Oh yeah in that sense it is, i was just wonder if a BBL is noticeable over any other type of gluteal procedure Lol

Oh i just call all fake asses bbl. But honestly it looked more like implants