Indecipherable method - Impossible secret to crack

Hi everyone, I solicit the help of the community

I had to stop my work about the candide that I have been practicing for a few years because the technique I use is less and less efficient and less and less secure because it is a technique that many use … you see What I am talking about …

This is why I plan to change my way of doing things !! For several years, I have found videos of a guy named UptownPlayGround / FullbodyCaptures / MM30. Several names but it’s the same guy !!

And since all this time, I have studied his videos, and I can’t find, I can’t find the way he uses to be able to film so near, being able to move his camera as he wants : from top to bottom, alternating right side / left side.

Even when he moves away from the target or when he has his back turned, we still see the person very well. It has an incredible depth of field.

The target even when it is filmed in a very close way, she does not see the camera or rather she does not suspect that the object or the accessory that the guy holds in his hand is a camera … At times we see the person looking at the lens of the camera but she never suspects something…

This guy a genius, a real fucking genius.

What are the important points to remember :

  • He carries the camera in his hand

  • The camera is mobile, he can move it as he wants, we always see the person, even when the person is behind him.

  • Sometimes the person looks at the lens but does not seem to be noticed the camera

I attach the screenshots that I made on certain videos. It’s really prodigious.

I also saw other videos of other people, who use the same method as this guy !! How it is possible ? Not the same guy but exactly the same way to do ! This explains why the method is not completely unique and unknown !

If someone has the slightest idea that could orient me in my research, it would be of great help.

Thank you, but honestly, I know it will be hard, see impossible to find the answer to my search.

(PS: I thought of a Go Pro or a similar style but it would surprise me that it is that. The lens would be far too big, even hidden in i don’t know what, it would be too visible … I don’t know)


this technique is amazing. I am also very interested in learning new/better techniques as I’ve also been in a few busted close calls myself.

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It is also the way the person looks. If you are not old and cute you can get away with a lot. If you are older and look like a creep people will be waiting to call you out. It also is a lot easier with a few people with you. Holding a phone right up against someone’s ass or boobs is not as noticeable when you looks like you were interacting with someone else.

I use to get great shoots back in the day even with a point and shoot camera with a friend.

I think it’s all about finesse and practice, hell, he might be using his front camera and have something like a website or something on screen while recording

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He is able to do all those things because its not really capping if the subject is working with the shooter. ITS FAKE

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So you think all these women were hired to act “capping”? :thinking:

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@UserVisitor00 I believe it has a lot to do with being nervous, it shows and becomes obvious to people what ur intentions are, when u hold a camera angled perfectly at them, im still learning how to be discreet, and act natural it’s hard something that I will perfect one day through experience, and following just makes u dead to rights, women are also super guarded and hyper aware of they’re surroundings due to the fact of them being vulnerable, I believe honestly.


Thank you all for your answers.

So for those who didn’t understand anything: I still manage to film, that’s not the problem. The problem is that this technique is starting to become outdated. Too many guys use the same technique.

I am simply looking to innovate, to find a new method that will be almost infallible and which above all offers better shooting & better viewing angle like these guys.

Still, as of today, the method used by this guy is still not known.

I refuse to believe that no one on this planet knows the answer, there must be someone who knows how these guys do it.

I watched a few more videos and there might be something of interest.

I post both images. Maybe someone will see more clearly on the method to use.

I can’t figure out what he’s holding in his hand and it really annoys me.

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I don’t believe the issue here is what you’re seeing… it’s everything you’re not seeing… which is why it will be essentially impossible to determine the technique without information, first hand.

You have to remember that every content creators work is curated… meaning it’s put exactly the way they want to put it… for example, for all of the shots they did get we have NO idea how many times they didn’t. Or when it failed in spectacular fashion. Or if it’s even real (in some rare instances). You think they’re gonna post that when it happens? Nope, so it looks perfect. I’d have to see their videos to make a better estimation, but they can be cutting out all the parts where people were more suspicious, called them out, etc.

Judging by the pics above, and the pics in the OP post, you can get away with a LOT when you’re briefly walking in a busy area and everybody is going about their own business. A camera is ubiquitous, and unless you look creepy, you are less likely to raise alarms when you look like an everyday joe. ESPECIALLY if you’re shooting while everybody’s walking around.

I’m sure they’ve been shooting for awhile, so it’s less about their “method” than it is their behavioral patterns and body movements. They know how to acclimate. How to dress. Where to shoot and when. And most importantly, how to look like you’re NOT doing what you’re doing - these are all crucial to a great shooter more so than how they hold their camera, and most people don’t know how to do this. Lastly, it’s better to understand the psychology of people and your own behaviors than it is to understand what technique an elite shooter is using.

My work is a testament to that. If I were to guess, he free-hands it. He’s holding his phone firmly against a flat service (brochure, small book, etc) and pretending to perhaps read (or look at) it at the moment he passes the subject in question, which would allow him to hold it up and get the view he wants at that specific vantage point. Once you shoot long enough, you get better at aiming accurately. You know where to stand and how far/close from a subject. You don’t always get it right, mind you, but you get pretty damn good at it.

My TLDR is that, even if you find out their technique, you probably still won’t be able to shoot like they do until you get the psychology down pat. No method or technique is infallible - that’s just reality. Right moment, right time, skill, luck, opportunity. You want to be infallible? Be invisible. You want to be invisible? Blend in.

Here examples of my stuff to prove my point.




Direct face shots.



This is very accurate, as i looked all those caps i honestly thought those caps were far from impossible, given the right circumtances it would’nt be an issue to get shots like those just using a regular android phone with a locked screen video recorder, as my man well says it, it all comes down to how much confident you are for doing it while not looking sus at all


Thats all with a phone?