Location suggestions

I just wanted to take time out and share something I just discovered that pertains to locations;
Lululemon stores. Is it just me, or has anyone else discovered that there is no better place in the world to find beautiful unsuspecting subjects, than in a Lululemon store. If you haven’t investigated this for yourself, I highly suggest and recommend asap. Target is usually the best, because most of the talent is youthful, rich and arrogant, which usually implies good looks. Same with high end shopping malls with 5 star stores in them like Nordstrom. But gentleman, nothing comes close to Lululemon. I never thought so much as to enter one until I recently followed a subject into a Lululemon store and to my surprise, it was crawling with dozens of talent. Not only that, but every single time I’ve returned, no matter the day of the week or time, or location, any and every Lululemon is just overcome with loads of gorgeous youthful talent. But beware, their employees are usually all older females and we all know they have a 6th sense for sniffing out creepers, generally spending most of the time watching the men in the store out of jealousy.

Good luck fellas and I hope you try a Lulu store near you! Any other suggestions of locations in 2022?


Hey, good u found some subject’s and locations but keep in mind u want to keep some stuff to yourself don’t release all the info…feds is watching lol


Lulu stores are usually really small and risky. But you’re right they’re a gold mine


Thick ones at walmart


I’m sure it’s not suspicious at all…

Like being a man walking into a Victoria’s Secret store by himself.


TLDR; put down the pipe


Swap meets and flea markets.

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Early morning Target runs almost guaranteed to be pawgs there


Everyone talks about Walmart and target but honestly Northgate Gonzalez market is where it’s at that place is a magnet to thick beautiful Latina Mexican moms. This market will get your adrenaline going because your 100% guarantee that thick curvy Latina milf walking around cluelessly in pink or grey biker shorts but I warn you this place is addictive especially busy hours.


Grocery stores are gold. You can walk around, browse, pretend to look for stuff, take pics of prices, even chat up subjects. More natural locations are anywhere where there’s tons of people and taking pictures is normal - like airshows, car shows, meets, etc. You can even get a DSLR in there and a telephoto lens to snipe subjects.

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