MEGA MEGA post. 5 ladies

Recent trip to a brewery tap house. Sittin there minding my own business enjoying a champions brunch. BOOM a group from the nearby college walk in.

We got a bunch of great outfits.

Jeans and plaid
Tight little booty leggings asian
Thic thigh shiny leggings
Leather VTL
Fat booty girl with glasses


That lovely shiny leather arse gets my vote ! Simply perfect :+1::+1:


I never understood why people wear leather pants, knowing that leather doesn’t breathe all sweaty and smelly and shit down there and then when you sweat you just get hotter and it just keeps sweating so now you got swamp ass because the leather won’t breathe. Yeah I don’t get it why people wear them is beyond me.

I see these comments about hating leather or not understanding the reason alot so i want to respond. First off REAL leather does 100% breathe it can be both cool and warm depending on the temperature and in winter time they are the perfect pants to wear. It’s all this cheap plastic synthetic leather garage that is the problem it doesn’t breathe, has a stinky smell and is just generally uncomfortable .



The asian girl

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Green top and plaid … :+1:t3:
