New Bag Strategy

Planning to use a GoPro Hero 5 session in something like the below (called a leg bag I think) for an upcoming event. Also using a power supply that will fit in it, the cam is controllable via phone so should be pretty nice.

Any setting where this isn’t a weird accessory should allow for some great things.


I think that leg strap looks weird. But ya fanny pack should work


He could get away with that for theft/security reasons I feel like.

Just waiting to see the content.
Never seen anything not open hand of sorts, maybe a basket or shopping bag - nothing like this

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I was gonna try something like that, maybe just for extended following so no one notices and by the time the girl slows down or gets in line I would then take out the phone to cover her ass and booty better.

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I opted for a cargo shorts pocket that had zippers on the side… Wasn’t ideal. I didn’t have enough time to rig the bag properly. Hopefully next adventure I can :cowboy_hat_face:

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That outfit looks like you’re a bdsm pornographer


Yes. I would never have worn a tucked in dress shirt with no belt, or those pants in general. Haha… I had something more inconspicuous in mind (still with my BDSM leg pouch)