(OC) College Strut in Grey Leggings (VPL)

Pre 2025. I think this was before Christmas where it was busier but got what I could.

Video is around 3 minutes 34 seconds if anyone’s interest. 60fps video on a 30fps timeline.

30 likes for upload? Sounds good enough. :ok_hand:t4:

:point_right:t4: VIDEO FILE :point_left:t4:

One download per user please.


Hell yeah, Id train wreck that ass!!


Nice ass ! Waiting for the vid :drooling_face: :eggplant:

Thank you for capturing and sharing !

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En attente pour la video :nerd_face:

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THANK YOU guys for the feedback!

Y’all don’t know how much motivation it gives us shooters. :palms_up_together:t3:

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Wow! She looks so good! I luv how the way she looks at you. I bet she didn’t care…

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What a hottie, thanks a lot for that banger.

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This is pretty good, thanks for the shot. :call_me_hand:t5:

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Yes sir video please

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I think she can take it lol

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:point_right:t4: VIDEO FILE :point_left:t4:

One download per user please.


Like to see her eyes watering as she goes down on me

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Great vid of that sweet booty thanks! :yum: :+1:

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Putting her face shot in the corner is a game changer for me. You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar


Your upmost welcome! If I get good face shots I tried to include them in my edits.

Thanks for the feedback!

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What a hottie :drooling_face::drooling_face:

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Genius stuff tbh, thanks for sharing!!

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Thank you for sharing the video

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She probably didn’t. Her and her girlfriend seemed too worried about what they were getting for secret Santa? Based on what I was hearing in the store. :sweat_smile: