(OC) First Post, First Caps. Two tight perky asses and a bikini frontal

I’m definitely still a noob when it comes to candids, but I’m trying to get better. This is a compilation post of my first caps. Any criticism is much appreciated!

Hope these are satisfactory. They looked amazing in person. Sad I couldn’t capture all their glory, but I’m workin towards it


Thanks dude. Yeah I really need to work on angling my phone for better shots. I never angle it well enough for the full body shots, since I’m usually nervous it’ll look somewhat suspicious angling my phone in such a way. Really gotta work on my confidence lol


Nice one bro. Congrats on your long awaited first post

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Thanks man! Huge fan of your work. Still trying to work on my face shots game

Thanks for support. Hone your craft and you will be more confident, and most importantly stay safe

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We were all like that in the beginning. Practice makes perfect. You Got This!
Nice Post As Well. Welcome to the Show. :+1::sunglasses:


Thanks. Love being a part of this community and I’m looking forward to contributing more


Great first post and you will find out what it takes over time. Practice, practice, practice. :muscle: Try to build a positive vibe with your subjects to calm down. It comes from the inside and you will know once you got it. :v:

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Thanks man, and I appreciate the plentiful advice you’ve given me over time. Can’t wait to work to get better at this hobby. I already see an improvement betw33n the short amount of time when I took my first cap and my most recent one. Definitely workin to improve my content

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on top of evergone elses advice, great watermark


Thanks, I was going for the “mentally challenged five year old picking up a pencil for the first time” look

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Thanks man, getting into the Christmas creepin season