(OC) Horny Milf Shopping in Cute Green 1-Piece (VPL)

Would this be a target y’all would be interested in? :face_with_monocle:

Caught this cutie on my way out but had to get the capture for the boys.
Video is about 2 minutes and 16 seconds if anyone’s interested. 60 fps footage slowed down on a 30 fps timeline.

30 likes and I’ll upload? Seems good enough.
:point_right:t4: VIDEO :point_left:t4:



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banger, she is sexy af. love the vpl!!


What’s crazy is, she was the best thing I caught that whole 2 hour shopping trip :sweat_smile::point_up:t4:

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Yes. We would love to see that video. You are a LEGEND :raised_hands:

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You damn right she would be, I’d be locked in

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Id sniff that!

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damn :sweat_drops::sweat_drops:

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Preciate the feedback everyone :point_up:t4: video upload soon!

:point_right:t4: VIDEO :point_left:t4:

One download per user please.


Without a doubt I’d still smash

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Idk what makes her horny but nice work lol

She has a very seductive style, a great capture.

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The fact she dresses out like that should be a good start as to why.

Dammn shes hot :fire: :hot_face:

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after downloading file how can i open?

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If its a zip file just extract it and then you get the video but ifs it a mp4 just opened it on your video player