Ran into an old friend

So with black screen not working on iOS 16 I was thinking of quitting but I gave it a shot and went bare screen and covered it with my wallet :joy: let me tell you guys it’s hard to get any angles like that but I tried and was able to get some shots of an old friend and man she’s made the transformation! I wish the pictures did her justice and the lighting too. Heb isn’t the best. I tried making edits to the pics because the originals are too dark to see any curves. I hope you all enjoy just as much as I did!


I think this technique has some promise. Keep it up.


Creative, and nice outcome

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The wallet is a goto! Don’t know what you working with, try a minimalized wallet, or front pocket wallet. Especially if you got small hands. Like anything else today, you can pay some money.

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@Att with an iPhone and the already available apps, try this technique here. Some serious usage with this depending on how equipped you are like headphones, etc

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