SD card corrupted. My best caps are gone into oblivion

Tried some recovery software and no luck. This has never happened to me. I’ve been a video editor for 8 years lol. Wild to lose that lol thankfully I didn’t have anything work related or anything else important on it.

Mourn with me, these were bubble butt caps on a canon rebel t3. Girls were the perfect amount of thick too


Lol it sucks having to accept it

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It’s a matter of just finding the right software.
My drive got corrupted and I eventually gave up. Then one day I was messing around and was able to recover it all.

I’ve tried 2 softwares, one of which is high end, used for forensics. I think since I used the card today before trying to recover things, that was my worst mistake? Like, it messes up the memory now that I used and should have gone straight home when I noticed it showed empty…? Also when I ran the software it recovered a few old videos on the card which I wasn’t expecting, but all the jpegs it recovered were only stuff from today that I took (not candid shots)

What software do you recommend? It’s a canon rebel t3

Multiple backups is key.