Subject Matter Getting Harder to FInd

It’s quieter but there are still students.

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I always see the best stuff when I’m out with my girl. Idk what it is, but I never see the same quality when I’m alone lol. Guess that’s the game lol


oh man i could NOT agree more!! its ALWAYS when i’m with the girl that the most SENSATIONAL shows out! LOLLL

Just a little update on this thread I created…


Contrary to the discouraging nature of my original post at the top, I am happy to say that, the summer has officially arrived (weather wise) and all subject matters are out and on absolute full display! What a comeback! Every time I go out now, it’s an overload! It’s almost like the subject matters are over compensating for the lack of activity over the last 2 years. And now my only problem is, I don’t know which way to go when I’m out! Will be uploading soon.

Just my two cents, it’s not going to guarantee success, but it you type in the place you want be into Google or Google Maps you should see a Popular Times chart on the page. You can use that to plan your tips.


I’ve been thinking about this topic a lot recently, and wanted to provide some input.

Try finding a nice suburb to explore. Downtown areas on evenings and weekends during the summer, indoor and outdoor malls, Target, home decor stores, movie theater lobby, grocery stores, restaurants, bars, gym, hotel lobbies, ice cream stores, Starbucks, book stores, the beach, the airport, on a plane, university, carnivals, festivals, fairs, concerts, amusement parks, parties, and conventions are just some places I’ve had success. Doing all of these things during travel out of town is highly beneficial in the sense that you are unlikely to be recognized by any passersby, and if you arouse suspicion at a store for example, it’s not a big deal since it’s not the grocery store by your house.

Dead ass got some content at Christmas mass once… I will try to find and post now that I remember it. I also had a significant amount of content in a professional setting, but I do NOT recommend it. I was very fortunate to survive that unscathed. Likewise, I had a roofing adjuster visit my house once, resulting in some nice candid content. Scary stuff.

More than going to find content, put yourself in a position where if content were to appear, you’d be ready and inconspicuous. I learned that the hard way over time and ended up wasting some opportunities trying to get set up. As I was typing this post at a Starbucks drive thru I saw 2 excellent targets walk right in front of me, unfortunately I was talking to the barista waiting for my order.

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