Tell me I’m not alone

I was at the mall and thought I had some great shots. Then I went to check my footage and the camera was facing the wrong way the whole time. Ugh. I’ve done this kind of crap before, like being in photo mode on accident and other silly stuff.

I was using the stock camera app instead of SPC because I thought the quality might be different, but I don’t think it is. SPC has and option to disable camera switching so I think I’ll stick with that. I use a bag cam and trigger it with a remote, and use earbuds to hear if it’s started or stopped. I think I must have pressed a wrong button when setting up the bag this time.


Been there a few times.

Recording via app, only to discover i opened the native camera app mid way through the video, which causes the app to stop.


Over 4 years ago this happened because I was using a bad hidden recording app. It also switched over to the standard photo app sometimes and not only did recording stop, people around me would see me waving my phone with full screen camera mode around a girl’s ass. That was the worst case scenario, being exposed and not take any footage home with me.

Now I use “Record Video Background” on Android. Quality is I would say B- but it’s reliable as hell and never ever fails. That’s why I put safety over quality and the right shooting techniques will make up for it. But for sure I will always take footage home from it.

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Background Camera has worked flawlessly for me.

I’ve never gone a full session with the camera messed up - cause i check it often for this very reason - but have definitely had times where i accidentally flipped it and was just recording the side of my body for a stretch. always seems to happen when the subject is bending over or something and I think Im getting the best shots of the day. Annoying fr

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Was at Niagara Falls recording girls bent over looking at the falls. prolly got a dozen worth posting here, 2 or 3 that would make top 10(no jokes) whole time my phone was in Timelapse mode and I didn’t get a single capture. I’m so fucking bad at this shit, my success rate is probably 10%. The amount of quality content I could post, I’ve only got 6 decent caps out of prolly 50 or so tries.