Unsuspected transparent legging (Read Her Thong)

The Context :

I was training at my older Gym and this girl was on my radar for a long time. She was always wearing legging that made my task very difficult because i was chasing her Thong or Vtl. But i knew that my time will come at some point.

That day i wasn’t going to train but decided to came to see some friends and for our luck she was also there training into a HIIT class.
This time she was wearing a black legging that at first doesn’t seem to be transparent.
At one point she was doing exercice on the wall and Boom :grinning: when fully stretched and only in this case her thong appeared. You can read the brand of the thong (Lounge).
She keept looking at me but it was too late for her to save anything.

Sorry for the long story, it’s just magical when you have a target for long time and finally caught her.

Hope you enjoy it fellas as much as i did. :wink:

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That’s the best feeling bro!!! Love that VPL too.


Love the story bro. Good shit

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Beautiful bro


Damn! That was an amazing catch!

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Yes best feeling ever haha

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Thank you i’m glad you like it

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Asking for it

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Yes she’s a baddie. I think she will never wear those legging again :joy:

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I just added a gif of her
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If more interest and requests yes

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Nice catch,

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So happy that you like it :pray:

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