Every day I see posts with more than 1k views but I see the likes and they are not more than 50, this makes me wonder why people do not appreciate the effort of the boys to bring us content That we look at day by day. Personally, I don’t post anything because the place where I live is not suitable for hunting, but every post I see I leave a like and a comment of gratitude.
This post is not about fighting or anger, it is simply to be more considerate with hunters by leaving them a simple like or some comment that simply by saying “thank you” motivates them to continue Bringing content to us
I have a simple rule… If I save a pic, I will Like the post (until they run out).
I do wonder how many of the views are from people who are not registered/signed in. These people can view and download pics but don’t have the ability to like or leave comments.
i can only speak for myself but if i dont like what i see in the first couple pics then im not scrolling all the way down and viewing the rest just to click like on something i dont actually like…
like bigguns… to each their own but im not a fan of them so i back out right away… if i didnt back out and kept scrolling then that would be the last post i viewed for awhile cuz it would deflate my everything…
id leave here floppy & frusterated… that would not encourage me to make future visits anytime soon… again thats just me…
I only like and comment on what i like. I mostly like fitter, round perfectly shaped butt girls like what my OC posts are. I found a lot of posts are just overweight people that end up having big butts with no form to them, which i quite frankly find borderline disgusting. I also do like to reply to people who comment on my posts too. Keeps me motivated to keep capping good stuff
Although we appreciate the sentiment, it’s not that simple.
Views come from a variety of sources. I can’t speak specifically for this site, but many places can have multiple views come from the same source. Meaning, not every view is a unique one. That being said, yes, I would like members to take a more active role in not only thanking contributors for their efforts, but leaving a like and perhaps a comment if they did really enjoy the post.
That being said, I do believe this is a small subset of our community. I disagree with users NEVER liking a post. I see it all the time, and I’m sure you do, too. Are they proportionate to the like/comment ratio? No. And they likely never will be. But it certainly isn’t an indication that users don’t thank the content. On the contrary, I’ve had many forum users reach out to personally thank me for stuff I’ve posted in the past. Conversely, I’ve done the same. Moreover, I personally wouldn’t want a user to give me a like or thank me for a post they see no value in.
That’s simple. There’s tons of people viewing with no acc. Like a post I created before but didn’t get much attention. Anonymous viewers should have a way to give likes that are separate from people’s likes who have accounts.
I always like and bookmark the caps I enjoy, but I didn’t start doing that until I tried doing the capping myself. I got a whole new appreciation for the ppl that do it because this shit is not easy. I’ve managed to cap a few but the quality is painfully amateur, especially compared to most on this site. The reason I haven’t uploaded my own caps is because I’ve never utilized a media hosting site(besides YT) and I’ve had to stop capping because of a health issue that keeps me home more often than not.
If I had a cowboy hat, I’d tip my brim to all y’all cappers out there. It’s a high risk-high reward life.
It’s simple. Topics don’t have preview photos, so I must go into each and every post. If the first photo in the post is some ugly ass chick or a body type that I don’t dig, I close the window straightaway. It will register as a view but I probably spent 0.5 seconds on the post.
Each viewer has their own preferences of what they find attractive and I’d say for me, I probably actually like and save 1 post for every 50-100 topic that is posted.
As for the issue of quality, everyone has been through this situation, then it becomes a question of practice, having adequate lighting already helps a lot with the result, the rest is personal experience developed over time.