How big is the community?

I’m curious to hear what you all think about the candid community as a whole. There seems to me to be a lack of Quality content; whenever I browse the different sites new quality post are few and far. I’m wondering if this is just because there’s not enough people into candids or there is not one central site that has the quality to attract the majority of people interested in candids. Also it’s probably due to people probably not sharing most of their own OC for whatever reason. what are your thoughts?


It’s pretty big, there are some beginners, and there are veterans. Everyone does have there times when posts aren’t as great but it’s a learning curve.


Click on one of your badges and it will show how many others have been issued. Gives u an idea of where the content and quality is.


A lot of women are catching on now because of fucking tik tok… These white knights are ruining it for everyone.


What’s happening on TikTok?

You just have to sift through the shit to find the good stuff. Some people just upload anything and some folks like everything I think. Way more lurkers than top notch shooters but you figure out who drops quality after a while. I also think some people have old ass phones and simply can’t take decent quality haha.


Thats a whole different world over there.

Most of these forums focus on quantity, not quality. In my opinion that drives out the good shooters. I don’t care to spend time editing my high quality posts if they get driven to the bottom of the page by blurry pics or stolen content.

Quality, original content is just not rewarded…so why bother?


my thing is that i just assume everybody is a cop so :zipper_mouth_face:

There are so many suspicious accounts. Brand new members who post right away…“Hello fellow candid shooters, would you tell me all of your secrets?”


lol yeah exactly but pretty sure them ain’t cops

Paranoid isnt the way to be

Quality content is frowned out.
There are plenty of contributors, you are just lacking, I don’t even look and find content/sites.
There are plenty of people trying to make their own sites.
Not sharing seems to be the only issue here, I’ve found posting late night East Coast doesn’t give me enough likes for content to stay up.

You should have asked " how HUGE is the community" instead of " how big " , it’s pretty huge in fact , I assume there are hundreds of thousands of candid pictures and videos available on the
internet , the candid world on the internet is literally a wide ocean , but unlike real life oceans it’s getting bigger and bigger.

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oh god, you just changed my life forever

I’m scared to post kinda, could any one track your photos From iPhone since it has date time and location and shit

Most deff I’m going to start posting soon I have a shit load of my neighbor and ransoms

You already got a digital footprint for massive corporations with your adress they monitor what you type your photos all your data on your phone everything Fuck it dude Too late to care tbh

Yeah people you know/work you need to be careful Also you don’t want to get banned from stores either But there probably is a database with your name your actions as a candid connoisseur etc

se predica con el ejemplo y veo que tu no eres cazador deberias de intentar hacer tus propias cacerias de la calidad que comentas para que veas que no es facil, al menos yo que me he dedicado esto por muchos años te digo no siempre te encuentras en tu andar mujeres ejemplares faciles de cazar en muchas ocasiones vas tu acompañado, llevas prisa, ves a la chica pero el ñugar no se presta para intentar inmortalizarla en fin muchas variables en contra y si tambien hay ocasiones q todo te sale bien pero esas son las minimas asi que pienso que tu lo deberias de intentar para comprenderlo saludos …

You lead by example and I see that you are not a hunter, you should try to make your own hunts of the quality that you mention so that you can see that it is not easy, at least I who have dedicated myself to this for many years, I tell you, you are not always in you walk exemplary women easy to hunt on many occasions you are accompanied, you are in a hurry, you see the girl but the ñugar does not lend himself to trying to immortalize her in the end many variables against and if there are also occasions that everything goes well for you but those are the minimal so I think you should try to understand it greetings …